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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Too Old

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Everything posted by Too Old

  1. Thank God... the way it is already the wife isn't happy, lol!
  2. Okay... finally here is all of my Wings stuff (not including socks, helmet, and retail style practice jerseys). Got a bit less Lightning gear than Wings stuff... the shown gloves, along with a couple pair of Tacklas, helmet, socks, and some jerseys. Hudler WC practice worn jersey, Hudler gamer from 2 yrs ago, Zetterberg customized team issue blank Draper upper with new lower, Draper Tackla/Warrior, Rafalski RBK worn in last year's SCF games Team issue old style practice jerseys modified a bit so they'll fit me... used to be size 56's Top row: no name PPF, Draper, Draper. Bottom row: Williams, Abdelkader, Hudler And my other gloves I still have. Easton's are Brad Richards
  3. I got my 2nd pair of Draper gloves a couple minutes ago... and it gets more interesting, lol. This pair has the same style of cuff BUT the cuffs are slightly shorter in length than my other (older with MIA thumb logo) pair by around 1/2" to 3/4".
  4. Well, I already have a Hudler gamer and a Zetterberg for one of my favorite teams to wear (not on the ice except maybe when taking the little one to public skates!) and have been on the hunt for a reasonably-priced gamer or issued TBL jersey for my other favorite. I just hit what I've been looking for. A size 52 team blank that has the 05/06 to 06/07 logo tagging on it and will be sent in for customization to return with a #26 on it.
  5. 1st pair with all the pics and MIA thumb logo came from a guy that somehow had a team connection I guess. 2nd pair with the Warrior thumb logo is due to arrive to me on Monday came from a guy on another site... not sure where he got them from to begin with.
  6. Hmmmm... interesting. When I'd emailed back and forth with Joe about doing some other gloves he referred to these as having the twist cuff... maybe Draper uses a longer version of the twist? I do really like the wrist protection with these gloves. My 2nd pair of Draper Franchises is on the way and due to arrive on Monday. This is the only picture of them that I have (when I get them if they're different than my current ones I'll post more pics):
  7. It sometimes gets a little rough at both the drop-in and league games, lol. Then when you throw in some of the guys who are not good skaters at drop-in that adds to the reason I wear shoulder pads too.
  8. You need to change your avatar! Go Wings!
  9. Lucked out... right place... right time again. Been looking for a pair of these for some time as a backup to my 8700's or maybe to wear primarily. Not sure if the seller is an MSH'er too or not. If so, thanks!
  10. Lol... yep. PSHG, eBay, the 'net, and a little bit of luck finding the right people here and there.
  11. Just got these too.... already have Rafalski RBK lowers from last season's playoffs. Now I can use these uppers to button them on to. They'll join the Draper Tackla uppers with either Draper's Tackla or Warrior lowers for one pair, and another pair of red Tackla uppers with new Wings Tackla lowers.
  12. Really.... REALLY like the fit of those gloves! Been looking at them for quite a while and finally gave in, lol. Other pair has the MIA thumb logo and these have the Warrior one.
  13. Added these to the group. Another pair of Draper's. Now have 2 pr of Draper Franchises, Williams and Abdelkader XXXX's, Hudler X:60's, and no-name PPF's for my Wings gloves.
  14. Interesting. Not sure yet that I really like the material/stripe layout on the Luxe.
  15. Ah ha... yep, I did a search and the St. John Sea Dogs use virtually the same colors except their gloves are a different pattern for the colors.
  16. Lol, I wondered if it was another MSH'er selling them. Thanks for the info on where they came from; solves the mystery. I chuckled as I watched the other 2 guys going at it a dollar at a time. You usually see this when they're obviously a bit new to eBay. I don't think I can remember bidding on something until the very end either manually or by sniping for a LONG time. Only exceptions have been some BIN's at a decent price.
  17. I asked about the blue and was told it's slightly darker than in the pictures. But yes, the CCM logo is silver and not black like Vinny's were. Also there was a silver stripe on VC's gloves that continued up onto the cuffs which these don't have. I still am curious about the history of the gloves though; could not find any retail gloves with this colorway anywhere. Doubt I'll ever find another pair any closer than these especially for what I got them for so I'm pleased.
  18. They allow you to be away from the 'net and have a maximum bid amount you'll go to placed right near the very end of the auction. It's worked VERY nicely for me on a fair amount of items.
  19. Stumbled upon these and let 2 guys bid back and forth until the end (hope it wasn't anyone on here, lol). Thank God for snipe programs. Paid a bit more than I wanted to but the TBL colorway is what I was after. Mission accomplished.
  20. I also have two sets of steel with the FBV on them. That way I always have a spare set ready to go. I then have a third set with a normal ROH on them that I can throw in for public skates with the little one or to play at an outdoor rink. That way I don't worry about beating up the good FBV Step steel; the crappy Graf has the ROH.
  21. Be wary... if you click on the pics in "Cornbean"s post it tried to download likely a bogus spyware program... just to be safe I ran MSE, CCleaner, and Malware Bytes and they found nothing.
  22. F--- cancer. A longtime friend who's only 44 is now in hospice care after battling Stage IV lung cancer which spread. He'll leave two kids behind. Another older friend was diagnosed two months ago with Stage IV lung cancer that's also spread to lymph nodes/etc. This after losing a high school pal a couple months ago to lung cancer which spread through his body. Last year it was a high school classmate that lost a battle with pancreatic cancer. We need to spend half as much even on cancer research as we do being the world's police department.
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