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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Sniper9

  1. You're wrong. The ankle area is very moldable and will conform to your foot /ankle area. You should only really need to order two sizes. Your current size and one half a size down. You should technically know if you're a reg or wide skate.
  2. It's funny you mention the latter and fit issues. Up until 2017 I was always a Bauer guy from 2010-2017 I wore Bauer one100 in 7d. Fit was great. No issues with heel lock or forefoot pinching etc. I don't even recall having to break them in. In 2017 I tried trues due to curiosity and not bc I've always had fit issues. I liked them and they were super comfy. In 2019 I wanted to try the as1s and found them extremely painful and killed my pinky toes at the toe cap junction. I was able to modify it enough to make them feel decent but ultimately went back to my trues. Fast forward to last year and I was curious to trying Bauer's again but like you every boot felt bad. I tried the hyperlites in fit 2 and it felt huge on me. Fit 1 still felt odd. 3s pro fit 2 felt good overall but forefoot was rubbing quite a bit and too narrow. Tried almost all the ccm models and all had the same Annoying toecap clip pressing on my pinky at the junction. I recently tried the machs in both fit 1 and 2 and both felt very similar but went for the fit 1 bc it was a touch snugger and I felt after baking it'll relax a touch and would be perfect. After bake it felt great. No hot spots. But after taking it out to a public skate my pinky was pinching during turns. I ended up returning them bc I didn't want to risk spending 1000+ on skates that caused pain. I could've tried the fit 2 as it would've had more room in the forefoot and toecap but I didn't want to go through the whole process again. I kept thinking the recent fit issues I've been having was because my feet became sensitized from how comfy trues are and every little thing I now noticed which I didn't before. But your experience made me realize maybe it's probably due to how different the fits are now adays with ccm and Bauer and the fact that boots are so stiff that you don't really break then in anymore and any little issue you'll def feel. I ultimately got scanned for a pair of cat pros. My current trues are still in decent shape but was curious about the cat line of skates since they actually look good and are lighter than the true svh customs. Hopefully they arrive next week or the week after since I only ordered them the week before Christmas. A part of me still kind of wants to try a fit 2 in the m5 pro to see how that would be. Regarding the heel lock off the trues. I know what you mean as true skates have a deeper heel pocket than any other skates. Part of it is getting used to it but for some it's just too deep. Good luck in your journey
  3. Did you bake and mold the catalysts with the saran wrap technique? If no I'd give that another shot to see if the heel lock is an issue still. The new asv line of tacks have a wider forefoot area. Ccms boots are also a lot more moldable than Bauer so I'd give that a shot since ccm has a 90 day guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Another option is the new supreme line. They offer mich more forefoot and toe cap room width wise than it's predecessor. So a fit 1 in the mach or m5 pro mag actually work for you. The mach in fit 1s toe cap and forefoot area was noticeably roomier than the 3s pros in a fit 2. Unless you get custom trues you may have to deal with settling with retail skates that may not provide the best heel lock or ones that cause some pinching or rubbing in the forefoot. The forefoot issues I'm confident can be alleviated to some degree or even completely if you know what you're doing.
  4. Ur 3mm lifts probably have something to do with it I'm guessing.
  5. Are you able to tell whether they used a regular or wide shell? Is there any indication on the boot anywhere what size and width they used?
  6. Didn't know this existed!! Must try. Thanks for this.
  7. I was thinking just simple 100% bathtub silicone. Or even shoe glue.
  8. U can lower the tongue to take up space in the toebox as well.
  9. Ccm skates mold very well so it's prob worth the risk if you're able to get answers like if it's regular or wide width etc. Or what retail skate fits this player generally.
  10. Those are real. They look different because they are custom. Retail ccm skates don't have made in Canada on the tongue.
  11. With how spongey the powerfeet inserts are if you use a foam that's similar density you have room for error as it'll just compress and mold to the top of your feet. Some kind of memory foam would be good. But hey convenience and time is also money so I get it
  12. Ya I see that being a benefit. The only thing I don't like about powerfeet is the price for what they are and the fact that they will compress pretty quickly. Personally for something like this, id make it myself with materials purchased at the dollar store or fabric store.
  13. I'd use Velcro. I make my own with sheets of Eva foam from the dollar store but probably won't need to use these anymore since almost all skates have low profile toe caps now.
  14. At least they reduced the price on those lol. I guess they realize no one's gonna pay 300 for steel
  15. You mean insoles? Try superfeet https://www.superfeet.com/en-us/carbon-pro-hockey
  16. Is there a way to tell on the cat pros which she'll they used? Not only the size but the width as well? Is it stamped anywhere?
  17. Is funny bc with all the mods he's done to that skate the only thing mach about it is the color scheme and the logo. I wonder if it's even mach boot, but then again Bauer's boots have essentially been the same for the last 10+ years.
  18. All other skates as in Bauer and ccm.?
  19. Superfeet has not grip on the insoles which I don't like. It's smooth fabric that depending on what kind of socks you wear it can be pretty slick. Speedplates have areas that have silicone grip that prevents ur feet from sliding. Even stock Bauer footbeds have this. Not sure why not all footbeds haven't adopted this. It actually helps. If you want more flexion but also wants to tie your laces right, try dropping the top eyelet. It did wonders for me. If I laces my trues up all the way it feels like I'm in a cast. Dropping the eyelet was night and day for me. It allowed more forward flexion and in turn made the heel lock better as it allowed my ankle to flex had the heel pushed into the heel pocket.
  20. The guy at my LHS said right now it's a fast turnaround. He said the last svh customs they ordered was one week. And that Trues factory were all hands on deck from now until dec 23 when they shut down the factory for a week. Does true still send you an email where you can track the status of the build once your order is placed? Either way I'm in no rush and rather the skates not be rushed and come out looking sloppy.
  21. Well I just went in and got scanned for the cat pros. Well see how they turn out. A bit nervous since anything can happen. I'm coming off the first gen tf customs which I have no complaints about but wanted to try something new as it's been about 3 + years.
  22. For me it has nothing to do with the shape of the insole etc. It's the sponginess of the stock footbeds I can't stand.
  23. I don't like the stock insoles one bit. Although I haven't tried the genetix or the tf ones. The red insole combo I'm not a fan of bc it was too soft. I had superfeet in my trues and they were decent. I've stuck with speed plates bc I love them. Makes a huge difference for me but it's all preference.
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