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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Sniper9

  1. Have you tried speed plates. It'll conform to your foot/arch and if you only pronate while taking strides and with weight bearing then the speed plates will support your arch in the position it's at when you're standing. But the speed plate 2.0 is softer than the 1.0 and may not provide as much support. Doesn't solve your issue but I found it did help me. Mind you my pronation is minimal and only on my right foot.
  2. Same. I'd personally do 190-200 max and maybe bake them twice instead if I needed to.
  3. Is this store reputable? There must be someone that works there that has experience and will bake and lace it up for him.
  4. Ya the normal tightness is very subjective. But he obviously overtightened them. Really it's no ones fault. He should consider baking them like trues with shrink wrap. This way the mold with be tighter and the eyelets won't be stressed at all. He won't have to crank on the laces as much after the fact as there will be a better wrap overall. Imo the all brass eyelets are the solution to what he experienced with the stamped eyelets of the past. Also maybe your son should start paying for his own skates 😏. Unless he does and if so, I take that back.
  5. My fitter used this on me before the tf9 came out when true took over vh. Imo I think it size says 7 even those the little prongs say 7.5. This was also used on me when I was fitted with the cat pro. Both times my customs skates came out perfect length wise. If this was adjusted to tf9 skates it would technically say you would be a smaller size not bigger wouldn't it.
  6. I think we all agreed it's not a defective skate. It's user error for sure.
  7. I have to ask but how much does your son reef on his laces when he ties his skates. I mean, you had a whole thread on his old jetspeeds eyelets and now this. Did he wear anything in between that didn't have eyelet issues? Did he tie the skates himself during the bake, or did the hockey shop staff do it? Looking at how angled up the top eyelet is, it's unlikely this was caused during gameplay since forward flexion would cause the eyelet to stain horizontally and not upwards. Also if staff was lacing the skates for him they wouldn't be pulling up in that direction, that would be really awkward. So my guess is they baked it and your son cranked the living hell out of the laces while pulling towards him, hence the angle the eyelet is torn
  8. Agreed. You can bake a skate over and over again. It really doesn't do much in terms of breaking in the foam except conforming it to some degree to your ankle bones. Even with my trues. After baking it a number of times, the only thing that broke in the foams was using it and having your weight against certain parts and hours put into wearing it. As you said. Boots now adays are meant to be heat molded and wrap so much better than materials even 10 years ago. Well except Bauer. Bauer is still using curv composite which doesn't really form as well as other brands during their respective baking instructions.
  9. Fyi I still did my diy power foot for my cat pros. I technically didn't HAVE to since the clearance is a lot less volume in the toecap but I'm used to only about 3mm above my toes from my previous diy power foots.
  10. Even if some ovens only have a timer setting and preset temp, if you bake for ten mins when you're supposed to bake for 3 mins, you'll will do damage
  11. Skate ovens are literally smaller convection ovens. You set the timer and temp, so yes you can mess things up if you don't say the timer or temp properly. Secondly, carbon itself isn't thernoformable so there's always some kind of plastic mixed in there to allow for pliability. The eyelets are never full carbon. They get warm and soft and when the eyelets are cranked it pulls the plastic which causes the result in the picture in this post. But you probably knew all this already from your track record
  12. Such bad luck since both issues are a result of different things. This one is def improper baking. Did you contact the place where you purchased it from. I sure hope you didn't bake it yourself as that might put u in a predicament in terms of the warranty and satisfaction guarantee
  13. Either over baked via time or temp or both and or laces cranked during bake. Or all of the above. Or walking or leaning too much when the boot was still warm. From the pic all the eyelets shown even in the forefoot area damaged. No idea why they are pulled upwards though. Makes me think it was already damaged prior to your game and it was cranked on upwards during the bake and not from the actual ice time. Either way it's botched and you're lucky it has a 90 day guarantee. It's weird you didn't notice some kind of damage before skating on them because I'd find it odd that just from playing alone, a day or more after the bake would wreck the facing like that. Did you bake them yourself or did the store? If the store did then at least you'll be safe from all liability and warranty issues ccm might kick back at you. Imo all skates should be baked the way true recommends with their skates in terms of using a stretch wrap as it'll save the eyelets from over tightening during the bake.
  14. Never tried trigger 5 but I also love my ft3 pro. It's on the lighter side but the stick responds well. Blade is on the thick side. I wish ccm made all their blades as thin as the trigger 4 pro. Ever since the trigger 4, the blades got thicker. I think the 7 pro is on the thinner side again but still thicker than the t4. Also I never had durability issues with the ft3 pros I had. Had two since they came out and both are still good. I only play once a week but ya. No issues at all. I recently picked up another ft3 pro as they are on clearance for 199 cdn.
  15. When u compare it to certain things it may not feel like much but if you had those items in your hand vs nothing you would notice it. I find anything sub 380 too light for my preference. To the point where it does affect my stickhandling etc. It's not much but it's enough to "notice". Will you easily adapt if you used it for one snp session. Mostly likely.
  16. 25 grams does make a diff especially if balance points are off. My trigger 4 pro is 15 ish grams heavier than the trigger 7 pro and it feels much better balanced and less blade heavy
  17. Went for a skate with the speed plates on. Felt so diff than the genetix insoles in a good way. I felt so much more connected with the ice vs the super cushion feeling. Ankles didn't rub while skating but could feel it slightly only while walking. Going to accept it as is since it's not causing pain and no issues while on the ice. I did however had to use a thing piece of Eva foam like how the original trues had the red two insole system to decrease some volume since the skates were made for the super thick genetix insoles. I did also pin down the rubbing to the edge of the to gue landing pretty much in the inside ankle pocket. I compared the foam on the inside ankle pocket of the cat pro to my tf customs and the tf customs foam had a broader inside ankle pocket and a precise smaller outside ankle pocket vs the cat pro which had a small precise inside and outside ankle pocket. The small foam pocket of the cat prob is also attributing to less leeway and room for the tongue to freely slide which causes more friction in my inside ankles. I'm debating on whether to cut that portion off the side of the tongue like how ccm does with their metatomic tongues but will prob only do it if it starts aggravating my ankle. I rather do that than essentially pushing/punching out the inside ankle pocket to create more room. Overall I think I would've spent the extra 200 on the svh customs after experiencing the cat pros. The boot being a pre made shells really has its limitations on terms of wrap and overall shape. Also, the carbon and materials that the cat boot is made with are different than the svh customs and aren't as malleable. Yes they get super soft during the bake but they actually don't confirm as well as the svh/tf customs. Hope my experience helps those out there who may experience similar problems.
  18. I did contact them and they are going to double check themselves and compare the stick I got to other brands to see how off it is. This one isn't form prostock hockey. The ones that are are, I believe are the "custom" pro blackout that are available in pro curves. Warrior and sher wood I recall being on the stiffer side as well but this was even stiffer.
  19. I picked up a blackout extra lite from HSM in a 75 flex. Held it and felt good. Imo looks like an undressed rekker. Flexed it .... And was incredibly disappointed that it felt like a rock. I double checked the flex on the sticker and the name bar. It literally feels like an 85-90. It's so stiff I'm not even going to try to use it and I'll be out 50 bucks in total shipping after all is said and done.
  20. Hmmm. Not a bad idea. How much wider is the large tongue. I actually think part of the issue is the thick genetix insole. But it seems like the boot was made around this thick insole. Because when I use my speedplates there seems to be a lot of negative space especially with the cat pro tongue. I did notice that when I had the speed plates in just to test them out the rubbing was significantly less or even not apparent. Hard to tell since my ankle area has become sensitive now. Even though I liked the arch support of the genetix insoles I don't know why they are so thick. It's kinda of overkill. So part of the issue I think might be the thickness of the heel and arch on the genetix is placing my foot higher up and in a position that is causing the rubbing. I just yet another rebake with my speed plates and stretch wrap. Well see how it feels. But if the insole isn't the culprit I'll try ur suggestion of going up on a size for the tongue. I'm not sure if this would work bc the felt tongue is already quite a bit wider than the cat pro tongue and that still have me issues.
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