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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Sniper9

  1. What do you mean you haven't received the merchandise. As in you haven't received all of what you technically paid for (the step holder and heel cup)? I rmbr seeing a picture on Instagram where some guys feet were so big they didn't have a toe box made for that size so his toe box was a carbon toe and the rest of the boot was actually still the vh style. Looked weird.... Going to try to find it now.
  2. Did you follow up with True about the issue. I would be interested to see why they have to say about it. I think you have a very good case to complain about. If you paid by credit card, I wonder if you're protected at all by the card company with something like this?
  3. I found the best fit was no red insole with superfeet. Maybe try no red insole with stock footbeds. But without the red insole you may run into the arch pain that was relieved when you cut the red footbed.
  4. I found the best fit was no red insole with superfeet. Maybe try no red insole with stock footbeds. But without the red insole you may run into the arch pain that was relieved when you cut the red footbed.
  5. Personally, I still think it's the retailers fault. Like you said, they were the ones that were slow to respond. If they had looked into the delay when you first reached out to them it would have been resolved at that time. Could true have contacted the retailer as well, sure. But the fact the retailer took so long to get back to you, I doubt they would have been any quicker responding to True as well.
  6. I'll admit I didn't like the vh skate when I first saw them but was intrigued solely by the performance and fit reviews. I actually like the last gen vh skates better than the trues but for me comfort and performance over looks. Looks wise, they've grown on me for sure. I guess it depends what you are looking for in a skate. If you have no issues with off the shelf skates then obviously you should stick with what works, but for most people who end up trying the vh/true skates it's because they've never had a skate that fit them well or was comfortable. Personally I got the skates out of mere curiosity. I never really had issues with my one100s that I had for the last seven years. The reason I chose to try out the True skate was because of the price. I would be spending the same amount on any high end skate, so I might as well try the custom route. I will say, however, that I probably should have tried the 1x and 1s skates as well since I haven't tried any of those lines on since I got my one100 years ago. That way I probably could have made a more informed decision. At the end of the day I'm happy with my purchase. The only issue that I'm running into now is whether the tuuk edge holders I have recently put on will hold up. I already have to warranty the left one due to clicking since day one. I am going to give it a couple months and if it's not a one off issue, I will likely switch back to the step holder or go with the ls2.
  7. If true never got your order or scans what it's there for them to look into? I guess they could contacted the dealer if you provided them with their info but I'm it seems to me that the dealer was the one lacking the follow-up
  8. If you're going to put on tuuks it will feel pretty neutral. The stock step holders def have a more forward pitch.
  9. The lhs that did mine said the holes match but the size or the holes needed to be beveled a bit to accommodate. So it's likely the holes line up very close but not identical. I wonder if it's going to be an issue if I try to reverse it back to the step holders.
  10. For those who ordered the boots only from True, were holes for the holders already pre drilled?
  11. I returned the blacksteel which is a shame. I really wanted to give it a shot and really liked how they felt. But I have a feeling at the end of the day the Bauer steels are gonna fit better overall since it's their runner for their holder. I popped in the spare ls3 I was given as a spare and they are really snug. It could have been just the set of blacksteel that I had but I didn't want to go through the headache again of going back and forth. I noticed that the blacksteel caused the plastic inside the holder where the front hook goes into to start peeling due to the rubbing (likely because there's play). So eventually I would imagine it would just get to worse and worse. For now, I'm waiting for the warranty holder for the left skate and then stick to Bauer steels. If the issue comes up again in the future, whether it's within the one year warranty or not, I am going to go back to my step holders. Or ls2 holders (if they are still around). I wanted to clarify that the play I had in my steel wasn't side to side. It was in and out. If I pressed the steel down it would click and there was play. Side to side was tight and had no movement (that I could see or feel).
  12. Yea that does suck. There must have been something wrong when everyone around you received their skates in 3-4 weeks and you were still waiting around. Nothing you can really do about it now I guess.... Let's just hope the wait was worth it in the end 😊
  13. I just mounted black Tuuk LS edge holders on my true skates with step blacksteel but unfortunately for me, the left skate starting clicking right away. The steel is identical with no bends. I had a spare set of ls4 steel which I put in and it's really snug and doesn't click at all. I have no idea of it is a holder issue or s steel issue. I was doubtful its the steel since step has very high QC bit it is weird that the ls3 fits so diff. I literally had to put all my weight to the steel into the right boot. And to get it off I needed pliers. As much as I like the setup and how sweet it looks, I regret not getting the ls2 holders. Even if warranty replaces the holders within the year, I have a feeling it's going to be a constant issue, and I like the peace of mind of having my steel bolted down.
  14. Anyone still running the stock footbeds and like them? I'm thinking of testing them out on the ice. I've only been using my superfeets so far.
  15. So I was able to test out my new setup and the blacksteel is Def smoother. The tuuk holders are also noticeably less forward pitched than the step holders. I actually think I prefer the more forward pitch of the step but I've user tuuks my whole life so there wasn't any adjustment issue but just my general feedback.
  16. Too bad the step holders didn't come in black. I actually like the step holder system of being able to access the hardware of the steel without a click system that can cause issues
  17. Even if the holder is the same. The boot won't have the tendon guard. Is the tongue also different for the goal skates?
  18. Wouldn't that make them different then? What do you mean "same?"
  19. Sounds like what I went through. For me, I found removing the red foot bed worked best for getting a better fit /lock for my right skate around the ankle and heel. Also if you bake ur skates a number of times your tongue can get overly creased so it might be a good idea to reheat the tongue only to get it's normal shape back which helps with unflattening the tongue. Lastly, I moved my tongue a bit down so it would decrease a lot of the volume above the toes.
  20. I can tell holding the skate but the reason I swapped wasnt because of the weight. It was mainly due ot aesthetics.
  21. What's the boo boo? Cosmetic?
  22. I did. If you look at my original post on page 114, I initially ordered them with the step holders. I since swapped them out. The step holders were quite heavy compared to the ls edge.
  23. I also had arch pain (ache) on my left foot only. I still wear the superfeet as I find it the most comfortable. I don't like the spongey feel of the stock insoles, but I will agree that overall fit is probably best with the stock insoles since they are made specifically for the skate. What I did was the red footbed trick where you cut out the footbed around the arch area and that seemed to work. However, I since removed the red footbeds altogether for an overall better fit for both skates. Since then I noticed some left arch soreness again but that's only when I'm doing stick and puck sessions and I'm on the ice for an HR straight. And it's only an ache. I am sure it will subside after a few skates and it's something I'm not concerned about.
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