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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mack

  1. I'm sure there will be warranted mocking of other conferences thrown in there, too.
  2. Yeah, clean pre-lockout hockey extravaganza.
  3. Having the NCAA national championship take place this Saturday and not having to wait for January to watch it.
  4. I think the time is nigh for the league to just toss him a couple games.
  5. I just sat thru Twilight. Hopefully rewards I reap from such a move will make me want to post in the happy thread.
  6. That is just flat-out bullshit. What a pack of farging iceholes. They should at least give you the fee for changing your tickets to a later date but I've never had a vacation rescinded so close to the date I was taking it.
  7. Did they have colouring books for sale?
  8. Hell, I'd swing over to Drew's rather than be stuck with the in-laws in Houston.
  9. Leary's a thief, but at least he's funny. I also thing having to Google a person negates their celebrity.
  10. You don't have to hit anyone but it feels like it takes forever. I guess when it comes down to it it's not much worse than stuff on 24.
  11. If so, let me write you an IOU for a punch in the mouth. I felt bad for picking up the bundle but I needed a new 360 and the deal was too good.
  12. It's gotten heat for a couple weeks now, but not as much as I figured. At least it gives you the option to skip it.
  13. Rounding third on being able to work from home with a few fly-ins and whatnot. Just in time for the wife to go back to her internship.
  14. Jamie does shoot the wrong way. You must mean Jason.
  15. Loving the actual size pics.
  16. Next needlessly quoted pic gets a ban. It's fucking simple.
  17. Another thing is to make sure you're finishing low and not opening up your body. When you pivot, pivot down and stay closed. A big problem I see is guys opening up and trying to pull everything up and they just end up with spitters to the SS/2B depending on what hand they hit. It's infinitely worse in softball when guys come in thinking they can just crank it out at will.
  18. No, only because Dead Pools have to be in by January at the latest. Even if there's a supplemental draft, a guy with pancreatic cancer is the Adrian Peterson of dead pool lists.
  19. Colin White is my guess.
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