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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mack

  1. Arnott S17/CNT Stealth, the most current pattern I know:
  2. Most of the ones I've put up are since they've been put away for some time. The Kvashas came from Pure Hockey on one of their old closeouts and I picked up as many as they had. Tom Mc- Bear in mind the flex is >110.
  3. you dont happen to work at UPS international do you mack? I heard a rumor of a lot of packages being lost in transit up near the Anchorage area - they call it the "bermuda icicle" If that were the case I'd have a shit-ton more. There's no decent place to get gear here so I'm always at the USPS's mercy.
  4. Never tried those Jofas but I loved their old ASDs with the digital palms. They were a bit ahead of their time with those and sadly went under before they got sorta popular.
  5. Never ever. These are sticks I'm slowly but surely pulling out of a spare room downstairs as we do some remodeling. Most of these are parts of groups and I just wanted to get shots of patterns up for reference.
  6. Kvasha SL Grip: Toe of the Kovalchuk clone: TBL asked about its toe and its just as thin, shaven and ugly as the woodie blades I have of his. I'm no Kovalchuk historian by any means but I'm guessing the stick was from the time when he was getting harassed by the team about his illegal curves and had his name put on Modano retail Synergys.
  7. I haven't even measured it but I think it's just misleading. The Nike of his I posted is definitely near the 1" mark and it's one I'm tempted to tweak and make a custom. The shape's so damned ugly tho I may have to use a Sakic.
  8. Lundmark Dolomite: Inno 1100 Kovalchuk clone:
  9. How safe is a glass of milk that I left out overnight?
  10. Kovalchuk Nike that will probably shatter the first time it touches a puck: Owen Nolan Z-Carb: Milan Kraft Z-Carb:
  11. Arnott Synergy Grip, which may be my favourite OPS ever: Krupp Z-Carb:
  12. That'd be awesome in the Talk it Off thread.
  13. Finally found a couple of Arnott Z Carbs, which are lovely ginormous versions of his usual curve. This one's in a Hull UL/"MM Z-Bubble":
  14. Warrior- They were supposed to be but weren't, so I got a discount on them. Won't have the XLs for a month or so they told me. I think this'll be a slow update on any crappy pics I can put up. I hit the T-Flexes, more Z-Cores, some A/Cs and ULs, AK27s and Dolos, SLs.
  15. That one's a regular 110 but I do have a few of the Hulls in the pile of shafts yet to go thru.
  16. foxtrot? Doing some remodeling in the house in our workout room slash where I store crap and started funneling shafts out of there. I'd love to say this is the tip of the iceberg but sadly I said I'd just get to the rest this weekend. The AKs are the newest additions but I think subconsciously I put them in there to prove that this picture is not from around 1998.
  17. Picked up a couple '09 AK27s. One clear and one grip. Definitely like the grip better but the feel on the clear is better than the old ones. Just hate that the little angel wings look like a crappy Aerosmith logo. Prepare to eat spray paint.
  18. I reckon I should go with full last name to ensure they can't use that font then. That's some large font.
  19. Yet people don't wear their clothes backwards. What exactly is the line between ugly and cool with retro fads?
  20. I hope he says he bought them. God I hope he says that.
  21. Marz- I'd name my next kid after you :D
  22. Well no wonder mine never went thru. Muthas.
  23. I bet I would hear "no" pretty damn fast if I asked for them to do those as a custom glove.
  24. I think JR may have tipped me over to pull the plug on these again. Last order never went thru and I've balked at getting them again but my HG1s aren't going to last forever. I hope you do up an MSH colourway, JR.
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