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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ktang

  1. Maybe it's a bounce back from Title IX and other corrective actions?
  2. Leslie Nielson dead at 84. "I am serious... and don't call me Shirley."
  3. You're coaching, right? I feel your pain...
  4. Did everybody go "ooooooh"? ooooooooh from me, anyways.
  5. Like Mark Howe! You could just tape that stick weight back in - good as new!
  6. Does she have a wedding planning binder / scheduler? My cousin had one when she was getting married, and her siblings still rib her about it. It was huge!
  7. The league would have to mandate the swing weight and weight distribution, too. If a major league hitter can use a lighter bat he could hold back longer on the pitch, and that would change the dynamics of the pitcher vs batter contest. The other variable to consider would be the size of the sweet spot. Solid wood bats have much smaller sweet spots than hollow bats.
  8. So that's why people were lining up outside Best Buy at 23:30 last night!
  9. My first vent: The radiator cracked (in the plastic part) while I was teaching my son how to drive. Limped home (slightly uphill) in the car to avoid overheating. Silver linings: 1-800 Radiator had an aftermarket one in stock (for a '95 Honda Civic!) for a good price, and I picked it up and got to put it in with my son's help yesterday. Since the radiator was out of the way we also replaced the block engine cord and put in a flushing tee. I was able to answer my son's questions about which parts did what in the engine compartment. My first radiator replacement, at the age of 43. His first at the age of 15. Then we went for a nice test drive before supper.
  10. Congrats, just make sure you have enough bathrooms in the house when they're older.
  11. Good ER staff to diagnose him so quickly... and good luck to him.
  12. Great buyer, good communicator and a very honest, upstanding member

  13. The modern take on the miniature TV with the rabbit ears...
  14. Can't say that I would fully understand your situation, but I feel for you, and I hope you get through this tough time.
  15. If you can count the items, you would use "fewer". If it's an uncountable mass of a substance or mixed items, e.g. dirt or sugar, you would use "less". Drew should work in our Contracts department... ;)
  16. One of the guys I play hockey and drink beer with was killed in an avalanche while snowmobiling. He had such great plans coming up for him and his family. RIP.
  17. Off-season training, day 5 - doing bodyweight squats to warm up, and hear crackling noises from both sides and below every time I squat down and up. I figure the knees are going. Same sounds with lunges and step-ups. However, there's no pain. I figure that I'm almost done for, so I stop the workout. Afterwards I find out that it's the receipts and cash in my pockets making the noises as I was bending my hips. Got scared for nothing.
  18. Got sick during the business trip. Then the boot sector on the laptop fails; IT will take a look at it next week. The phone in my cubicle has no connectivity, and IT can't figure out where it is connected onto their server.
  19. +1 Didn't bullshit with his purchase. Had a special requirement and it was handled with ease. Glad we had an opportunity to do business!

  20. Talking about snow: went to Dallas last week. It had snowed the day before I got there (Tues 01 Dec), and was still cold while I was there. When I got back home (Calgary), the Park-and-Jet, located in an open field, had blown snow covering all the cars, 3 ft deep, and the parking lot had not been ploughed. The shuttle bus wouldn't go into the rows of cars for fear of getting stuck, so I had to wade through the snow with my luggage to get to my car (luckily I travel very lightly). It was below freezing with a strong wind. I dug out the car with my hands (luckily I had gloves) and started it (barely), and then I used my hands to dig a trench to drive my car out. I was almost out of my row, driving in the tracks from other cars, when I bottomed out. Luckily there was a 4x4 pickup that came up behind me and nudged me out. Driving home I could see abandoned cars along the roads and highways. Getting home, none of the roads had been ploughed. Luckily my son had shoveled out the driveway. But, both my son and I had hockey games later that day / night (Saturday), so at least the ice was hard and fast.
  21. Job??? What in the world for? And thanks for the Good Luck wishes. I think he's referring to the Biblical Job. (Satan takes more and more away from Job, but Job's doesn't denounce God etc.). Best wishes from me too.
  22. What does a 40/80 profile mean? (on Gonchar's 1" hollow)
  23. That was the same scenario for my team a few years ago. So, the goalie formed a breakaway team, which now plays 6 divisions above the original team.
  24. It's a good life lesson; life isn't fair and some people get lucky, but you can control your own life.
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