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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by ktang

  1. The '95 Civic is almost ready to go, but a hailstorm in Calgary just put about 20 dents in the roof and the hood. So now it's my car.
  2. Won 3 hockey games this weekend, all of the come-from-behind variety.
  3. Just lapped the valves before re-assembling the valves and springs on the old family car ('95 Honda Civic) while getting ready to replace the main cam seal, head gasket, water pump, and timing belt.
  4. Born on the Summer Solstice - nice! Congrats, and nice name for baby Thinkingjack.
  5. I'm at GDC Calgary - you must be GDC Ottawa?
  6. Won our playoff game tonight (tight game, didn't pull away until 7 mins left in the 3rd period), but then we might be disqualified for having 9 penalties (league rule). 9th penalty was for one of our ejected players returning to the enclosed viewing area and actually getting onto the ice for the handshake, before being coaxed off.
  7. Have to replace the head gasket on the '95 Honda Civic.
  8. Black holders - so you swapped in your 296mm LS2 holders?
  9. Managers can go to work sick because they don't do any work!
  10. He wore a wiener hat for the interview on CBC (after the goal and shootout winner against Winnipeg). He said that his teammates made him go on the air like that.
  11. That depends: early game, late game, or really late game?
  12. What are your plans for the Fiero? Or are you just going to use it as-is?
  13. It's so cold here the shampoo in the hockey bag in the trunk of my car froze.
  14. Leaking hose or blown pump? Hopefully it's easy to fix.
  15. "Ah, I have flamethrower in trunk, deep-fry your wontons!!" - Robin Williams
  16. The Development league allstar doesn't want improved competition to play against!
  17. Did you do well in High School? If so, you might have been conditioned to expect success. Now that you're probably in classes with others who also all did well in High School, the level of competition will be much higher, and the profs / TAs will have higher standards. These things can make you drop out, or make you stronger and better in your field. As Chadd says, you don't necessarily have to be a straight A student. Do your best, though, and pick up the As in your final years.
  18. They will just have to buy you new sticks, grips, tape, and wax.
  19. OK, but to be on the safe side, monitor your credit card accounts just in case.
  20. Modernizing my resumé. Drudgery, but important to get it right!
  21. Grill + seafood = first class team!
  22. Holy cow, take it easy and hopefully everything works out for the best.
  23. Blew the head gasket on my son's car. Luckily I was able to limp back home after refilling the radiator. But now, the drivebelts, alternator, air conditioning compressor, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, left engine mount, timing belt, rocker arm assembly, and camshaft have to be removed before I can get to the cylinder head.
  24. Have you considered a program with strength and power training (not hypertrophy), followed by high intensity interval training? It works for me.
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