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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by yrhmblnr8r

  1. Fischer gloves are sold
  2. White set of jerseys sold. I’m moving next month and would rather sell than pack this stuff. Make an offer.
  3. I still rotate between 2 pairs of that generation, but 5k not 9k. Something about the fit/shape is juuuuuust right. 5k is plenty protective for beer league.
  4. Final price drops. Any lower and I’ll just keep the stuff.
  5. My bad. I’ve cleared my inbox and sent you a pm.
  6. Vancouver Canucks gloves and Easton Ultralite is sold. Dropped some prices. Shipping is on the buyer. Prices are in USD. Happy to bundle. PM with questions.
  7. Currently in use: 2010 Warrior Projekt shoulder pads. I rotate between two pairs. No longer around: Bauer Vapor XX stick, the black one with light blue graphics. It felt perfect in my hand, but the durability was awful.
  8. Eagle x50s are sold.
  9. Green XPros have a bid on eBay. They’ll sell there instead of here.
  10. Found a new job! Purple CCM gloves sold.
  11. CP94s have a bid on eBay. They’ll sell there instead of here.
  12. Shipping is on the buyer. Prices are in USD. Happy to bundle. PM with questions. Teams sets of jerseys. All are NWT. Link to additional photos here: Teams Sets Album $250 Yellow Easton with a HockeyMonkey logo #1 Senior Goalie Cut #2 through #21 Senior Large $250 Black LA Kings colours - 21 Bauer Senior Large $OLDSOLDSOLD 125 20 Firstar Senior XXL and 1 Senior Goalie Cut. White w navy stripes.
  13. Shipping is on the buyer. Prices are in USD. Happy to bundle. PM with questions. Gloves Various condition, ranging from repalm-needed to repaired to playable. Many of these were projects for the speedy stitcher or palmsaver or both. Detailed pics are available here: Glove Album Feel free to ask for more detailed pics. I'm happy to bundle. Left-to-right, top-to-bottom SOLD $10 Eagle x50: These will need a repalm. $10 12" Easton SE6. Playable, but various spots need to be reinforced and the left palm has a hole. SOLD $40 14" Pro Stock Vancouver Canucks Aaron Rome. Playable, but palms/gussets are worn paper thin and won't last long. SOLD $30 Eagle XPro. Missing a knuckle pad and have a hole in the right palm. The sanitizer faded some of the green colour, see pics. SOLD $50 14" CCM HG4PC. Team issue, Vintage Kings logo. I patched the left palm with Palmsaver. $OLSSOLDSOLD $30 14" Pro Stock Easton Fireantz. Two fingers on right glove were sewn together by EQM, I undid the modification with a speedy stitcher. One glove has a liner, one doesn't. They may not have been a pair originally. SELLING ON EBAY Eagle CP94. These need to be repalmed. $15 14" Bauer X100. Left palm needs a patch. The fingers were already speedy stitched. SOLD $30 14" Pro Stock Fischer CT850 Blazers. Left loop cut, right isn't. They may not have been a pair originally.
  14. Shipping is on the buyer. Prices are in USD. Happy to bundle. PM with questions. Apparently, I can’t post to Imgur in rapid succession. For now, here are pics: Cross posted locker Reebok shin pads, multiple team sets of jerseys, LL Bean coat, sneakers, sticks, etc.
  15. Shipping is on the buyer. Prices are in USD. Happy to bundle. PM with questions. 3 Vintage Shafts, each measure ~50” with plugs. See pics for length. SOLDSOLDSOLD XN10 whip flex with short wooden plugs SOLD, . 1 Easton Ultralite 85 flex with a Base composite plug $150 for the pair https://imgur.com/gallery/VsbsjGf
  16. Oh yeah, I forgot SidelineSwap. NOS is great, but it helps if you’re a lefty (I am) and are flexible on patterns (I am) so it works out.
  17. I still use 2pc. I have a stockpile of blades and I grab more when I see the on clearance. Craigslist, eBay, Plat it Again, etc They're around if you look.
  18. I bought a NOS Easton Griplite shaft that had gone all gummy. I removed the sticky goo with paint thinner and played with it as an Ultralite instead. That seems less messy than sanding to me.
  19. I’ve used them on and off. I like having no drag on the heel and no need to wax. If you switch sticks/blades often it’ll get pricy, though.
  20. I wear Jofa 9025s. Reebok made them as the 3k (or 12k?) for a while, too. No bicep guard = less bulk.
  21. I know they’re made in the same place but I agree with CTB, the Grafs just feel different somehow. Tracer count doesn’t matter.
  22. I have Sven Baertschi True a6.0 sticks that I like a lot. They just say 4447 3 or 4420 3 under his name. If you crack the code, please let me know.
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