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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by yrhmblnr8r

  1. Better balance than my leagues then. I'm tired of the same couple teams winning season over season. League director just cares about fees, not level of play.
  2. Maybe time to move up a division, then?
  3. Avs on Friday, May 5th. https://www.nhl.com/avalanche/news/avs-game-issued-equipment-sale-on-friday/c-289176680
  4. I was going to send this to JR directly but there may be other MSHers who can benefit. Nordstrom offers special services for breast cancer survivors. http://m.shop.nordstrom.com/c/breast-prosthesis-program You're in our thoughts, J
  5. I went up a bit. I was in 7 3/4 pro stock reeboks. Now I'm wearing size 8 makos. I'll never know what was customized by the pro who had them before me, though, so add an asterisk to the sizing.
  6. I do. I just didn't have the value set. It is now.
  7. Agreed, I've gotten some stupid low offers in the past that aren't even worth countering. $80 on a $150 auction was just a recent example.
  8. eBay lowballers. No, I would not like to accept 60% of my asking price, thank you.
  9. Can you use a 110? Not my listing. http://denver.craigslist.org/spo/5249552206.html
  10. I found an old friend online.
  11. Avs sale on Saturday. http://avalanche.nhl.com/club/m_news.htm?id=777523
  12. Canucks sale is July 10th. https://mobile.twitter.com/CanucksStore/status/610173597982806016
  13. Don't bother. Apparel only today. I was told the equipment guy is on vacation.
  14. https://twitter.com/DU_Pioneers/status/603678285038485505/photo/1 All sports, not just hockey. Last year they had a bunch of pant lowers in used to heavily used condition. I wasn't there when the doors opened, though, I think the good stuff went early.
  15. Cripes, NBC, stop switching channels mid-game.
  16. A running theme on MSH is the best helmet (or any other equipment) for you is the one that fits your head best. I've tried on several different helmet models recently while searching for a replacement. Each of them fit differently, but I could tell that because it was my head. How do you get the same feedback from the crash test dummy head when you're setting it up? Did they account for fit?
  17. Junkyard's post inspired me to take a couple pics. I've had the skates for about a year now, the Verbeek gloves and M1 are recent additions.
  18. Denver Cutthroats have suspended operations for 2014-2015. They say they'll be back, but this may be the last hurrah. https://m.facebook.com/DenverCutthroats/photos/pb.127554610713977.-2207520000.1411136851./509574862511948/?type=1&source=54&refid=17
  19. Denver University sale June 4-5 in the Hamilton gymnasium. Cash only. The guy I spoke with said there'd be some pants, a little protective (he mentioned shoulder pads) and some sticks. I went a couple years ago and the selection for hockey was very limited. It's an all sport sale, though, so track suits, tshirts, volleyball backpacks, etc. should be there, too, if that's your thing.
  20. "I'm looking for a Lidstrom curve now. looks like a good match for my play style." The Lidstrom pattern is pretty open. You'll have to account for it if you want to keep the puck down. Just an FYI.
  21. Since old-timey Easton shafts have come up here recently I figured I'd post a pic of some recent pickups. I like the z-bubble and brown ultralite. The others may get moved to the sell thread.
  22. Not a lady. The Man They Call Reveen put on an awesome show when I saw him as a kid. Oddly enough, he was never seen in the same room as Ricky from Trailer Park Boys.
  23. Here's some more detail. The bid was at $170 when I left the rink earlier today.
  24. Maybe 4-5 hours spread out over a weekend. I didn't have a pattern to work with so there was some trial and error from the picture in my head. Spray painting the legs goal post red took the longest because of the drying time.
  25. I just put these together for a charity auction next weekend. Bench: Washers set:
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