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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by shotty

  1. Thanks for your post on Sharpening in Vancouver... I was sort of hesitant about Cyclone in Richmond from the things guys have said, but i will go there on your recommendation and its just plain convenient since i'm starting to play there.

  2. because a typical insurance agent would NEVER believe/understand why one would have 21 pairs of hockey gloves. you should actually take pics of the other half too. you never know.
  3. seven6 those are sweet. kangaroo goat palms? love the black gussets. t might be the angle or the glare, but the "O' on the cuff looks... off.
  4. thats interesting, because i had a ton of sticks from the mid to late 90s and they all had names on them. even the obscure players.
  5. i've had the same thing happen. minus the bears. the first place we came across, of all places, was a bar. man i got shittered.
  6. mention "vacation" in my house, and the rising tension level can be felt immediately. the worst part is that for some reason, she INSISTS on having the house cleaned the day we leave, so in addition to dealing with her pointless stresses, we've got two cleaning people to navigate around.
  7. i thought about it after, and i know you already cut the blade out, but another thing i've done was cut into the shaft (length wise) at the corner to relieve some of the pressure, then heat and pull.
  8. did you have to pound it in? the only time I cut a blade out is when I had to really jam it into the shaft to begin with. you should usually know as you're putting the blade in how difficult it will be to pull out. my vent: gf is making crazy demands lately. I'd probably go crazy if I didn't find it so humorous.
  9. he might be alluding to the fact that individualism wont get you a championship or a gold medal.
  10. you're right, i dont know you... but i HAVE read your posts and your reputation precedes you.
  11. i think that every time he posts something negative.
  12. i'm glad you color matched the number and main body color. i've been waiting to see someone do that.
  13. i thought it was a giant beach towel. twistedwrista... who's the bird in your avatar?
  14. been there, done that. 1988 MR2, pleasure use & collision when i was 16 -- $405.
  15. thats kinda terrible. my equinox works out to $145 a month, with full coverage, $2M liability and work use.
  16. at least you have choice. insurance in bc is tendered thru a crown corporation, so we pay what they charge, no negotiations, no shopping around. $1740 for my '08 equinox and $1875 for my '06 530i... and those are both with 40% safe driving discounts (the max discount)
  17. just in time for hurrican season ;) (if you're going riviera side)
  18. the day they decide to embroider the cuff typeset, i'll join the club. i have to admit, the appeal is fading on me... even though i dont know a single person with custom franchises... only what i see here.
  19. I had a PE teacher that let me get away with lots, too. ohhhhhhh, those where the days. looking back, I think she had a crush on me.
  20. four people and two hockey bags in a cavalier coupe? i think not. maybe a late 90s honda, they have pretty big trunks, right?
  21. love the gold outline. nice touch. and yeah, white tufftek shows wear really quickly.
  22. i hear ya. not anywhere near as severe or malicious, but in our first game of the season, there was one opponent who kept skating right into our goalie. he kept saying "forward momentum" as an excuse for crashing him. i said "your skates. they have brakes built in" then the next shift he snow sprays our goalie in the face. buddy. its game one of the men's spring league season, not game one of the stanley cup final. those snow sprays are major catalysts.
  23. shaquille o'neal himself footed the bill for my highschool's new gymnasium and fitness centre... two years after i graduated.
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