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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by shotty

  1. i hear ya. not anywhere near as severe or malicious, but in our first game of the season, there was one opponent who kept skating right into our goalie. he kept saying "forward momentum" as an excuse for crashing him. i said "your skates. they have brakes built in" then the next shift he snow sprays our goalie in the face. buddy. its game one of the men's spring league season, not game one of the stanley cup final. those snow sprays are major catalysts.
  2. shaquille o'neal himself footed the bill for my highschool's new gymnasium and fitness centre... two years after i graduated.
  3. they are def. beauties.
  4. a sports radio show in vancouver opens with that tune. why is it mirrored?
  5. I lost my cup sometime between April 2nd at 11:45am and April 5th at 7:45pm. yesterday I bought a new one.
  6. anywhere from $65 to around $150.
  7. i dont get why they'd want to know if you were selling them.
  8. hahaha! didn't see "Tuesday" the first time around.
  9. expensive pro stock, though. FITLTID, what game are you going to?
  10. those two plus sports exchange on burrard & 6th has hundreds of pro stock sticks, obscure pro jerseys, gear and what not amonst close out retail equipment.
  11. true. i'd almost rather lose a great game than blow out a team well below our skill level.
  12. who the hell is Cuff Hinge? some minor leaguer? ;)
  13. $150 seems to be the going rate for one95 pro stocks right now that have seemingly flooded the market.
  14. i saw some footage on the news the other day. insane. i figured "hail insurance" would fall under "all perils" which is a popular policy for businesses.
  15. after 40, they expect you to buy them breakfast. its a right of passage...... or something.
  16. ask around, I've seen khadri at three different shops in the past week or so.
  17. I guess that's when charm comes in to play
  18. damn good idea. as for the sticks... sounds like a good excuse to buy new ones. fedex them home, when you're done.
  19. pro stock. SMU wouldnt have those codes
  20. those EQ5s are amazing. i cant wait to find a pair of those.
  21. just take the high road, man. he wants you to look like a fool. she'll think highly of you and eventually he'll go away. we had a similar thing happen as you, with regards to goalie... except these guys wanted to dance around the issue that their goalie was late.... they asked us to change our jerseys because they conflicted (they had plaid we had white). we ended up waiting a few minutes to be fair, and they weren't all that appreciative.
  22. in fairness, it WAS a ford dealer. wear that jersey into a bmw dealer and people will be looking at you only to make sure you're not pocketing any of the complimentary beverages
  23. nothing enrages me more than vandalism. not even an unexpected and unmitigated kick in the nuts.
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