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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by shotty

  1. ^ chop it and throw a blade in.
  2. nice mother in law. i got a scrabble dictionary from mine.
  3. got a 2011 bmw 535xi today. white with chocolate interior. straight from dubai.
  4. not that i will ever get one... but dr. pollock in vancouver pioneered the "no needle, no scalpel, virtually painless and bloodless" vasectomy. all the talent on the local sports radio show have sworn by him. might be a good reason to visit the city by the sea edit: actually, its kind of funny that i mentioned visiting vancouver.. i think his website has some great tourist tips so that you can turn your vasectomy into an adventure if you're travelling to vancouver for it.
  5. sounds like my bi-weekly team parties from highschool. they started friday at around 5:30pm and ended at like noon on sunday.
  6. its called oatmeal now. get with the times, ya floozie.
  7. nothing is ever cut and dry when it comes to stuff like this, but there will always be consumers out there who will think about their bottom line first, and the only way to coerce the general population to keep their dollars within their community is to offer incentive. local business owners can only do so much before they have to concede the sale to the warehouses and big box stores, and the owness shouldn't fall on them to try to remain competitive against the big players. they are at a disadvantage and small business is the backbone of both of our nations'. BC's premier initiated a handful of tax cuts to small-to-medium-sized business a few weeks before he stepped down, and i hope they stand as it will easily inject tens of thousands of dollars back into local businesses that are at the top of the revenue cap, but they will never see the money if they dont generate revenue through the customers. there is no mortgage interest deduction in canada, so i'm not sure what you're getting at (or maybe thats your point), but we do have things like first time home owners grants, home improvement tax credits and a host of other incentives that promote growth within the community. let the financial engineers figure out the fine details of a plan like mine, sure there will be issues, but its a start. remember when the earth used to be flat?
  8. local business needs the help of the municipal and federal government. if consumers are eligible for a "village credit" on their tax return for purchases made locally, it would certainly entice people to shop local as opposed to searching the web for the best deal. it promotes growth of the local economy by creating jobs and keeping the money in the city/town/region.
  9. firstly, those commentators are idiots: high stick, bumping the goalie, interference, etc. talking out of their ass before they even realized what happened. secondly, you can clearly see the ref in the frame when chris puts his hand up front of kippers face... he's looking right at them... no call. ref should have put his arm up and blown the play dead right there before the shot gets released 2-3 seconds later. good pronger scrum vid, though.
  10. if you're feeling good and on a roll, dont wear them yet.
  11. i think yacht racing comes in slightly higher, actually.
  12. opening has everything to do with business development and nothing to do with marketing. if a customer walks into a store, the marketing department has done their job. once the customer is in the door, lets hope the sales manager has done theirs. there are all sorts of weird calculated tricks to open the sale that work wonders on consumers and for the most part, they weren't grown in a lab.
  13. politicians... cant live with 'em, can't smother 'em with a pillow
  14. "...can't live with 'em, can't have heterosexual sex without 'em"
  15. horrible officiating last night. HORRIBLE. i could elaborate but i wont.
  16. depends where the movement is.
  17. believe it or not, many pedorthists who focus on sports performance believe that if you are able to articulate your ankles and feet slightly before they contact the liner of the boot, you will transfer energy more efficiently and produce better results. we're not talking a lot of space, but "some sort of movement", although a very layman way of putting it, is along the lines of that theory.
  18. i think they're well aware that there's a market for it, they do, after all, offer the custom stick program in bauer id. an i'm sure they have some compelling reasons as to why they havent done it yet for their gloves.
  19. relax home boy, we're all adults here.
  20. hahaha. its not like there was a death in the family. ...actually i guess for some of us, an equipment failure is like a death in the family.
  21. if you're truly serious about ordering them, just email the customer service with a pic and the details you want. someone on here ordered them.
  22. do you sell vaccuums? my salesman rant: don't expect me to offer you closeouts if you choose not to place booking orders.
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