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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by shotty

  1. coincidentally, I woke up in my car this morning as well. didn't drink at all last night though. I pulled over to talk on the phone, then sat there and listened to a segment on a sports radio show and fell asleep. woke up at 6am this morning, car running. I woke up JUST as a street sweeper approached.
  2. oh god no. you will NOT be able to play. if you can, you dont have mono. mydoctor actually advised me to take the rest of the season off after the symptoms went away(i played 5 games that season, my pic from that season is hilarious because i was like 20lbs underweight, huge beard (for a 15 year old) zero energy), and to permanently wear a kidney guard upon my return, as your spleen is never the same after (which is true... it's REALLY sensitive even still and I was diagnosed with mono 11 years ago almost to the day). anyways, I wore the extra padding for one full season then ditched it.
  3. your lymph nodes will be visbly enlarged (your neck/throat will LOOK swollen) and your spleen will be enlarged and very sore. the "tired" thing doesnt really kick in til a bit later. chills and aches will come before fatigue and malais. i had it for four months. it wasnt that bad.
  4. what about getting the job guys. i think thats what he's asking.
  5. ordering on a Wednesday afternoon? could be a looooong weekend for you. hope not though!
  6. thats almost exactly what he said. however, i think this a little more scandalous.
  7. my best friend's wife's birthday is this weekend and she wants to hit a bunch of night clubs with myself and my wife (its her bday as well). this guy was a club rat for years and is totally over it. but she's been out of the game for a couple years due to birth and wants to go. shes calling around looking for baby sitters but being that its thanksgiving here this weekend, no one is around. anyways, dude gets his girlfriend (yes, hes having an ongoing affair) to watch his child while he and his wife go out. is that not f'in retarded? i'm in shock.
  8. and if its your first job, be humble. the only way you'll ever learn a thing is to admit that you know absolutely nothing.
  9. i bought a bmw 530 and she bought a chevy equinox. guess who's driving what, now. cant wait to trade that thing in for a real suv.
  10. oh c'mon... its customary to introduce or be introduced by your accomplishments in hollywood. absolutely true, and everyone in the industry that isn't IN hollywood makes fun of it.
  11. my son is two, and hes in that phase right now. i just ask him for the answer. more often than not, he knows. if he doesnt know, then i answer his question and then a few minutes later i'll ask him to see if he remembers. right now his big thing is for me to bounce one of his many sports balls so high that it hits the ceiling, which is 16' up. one time mom did it and hit one of the lights suspended from the ceiling... all he really wants is for me to recreate that event.
  12. you've got to be willing to pay the BIN price going in. and you also have to be mature and reasonable about it. that's hard for some people. I know as an eBay seller that if I listed a BIN item and someone clicked it before negotiating, I'd say no, on principle alone
  13. what now that you heard that it was a high end stick at one point, you want to use it?
  14. ithe nerve block is strange, because my wife had it as well as well. when she told our doctor about it here in canada, he had this puzzled look on his face... he had never heard of it. even our insurance didn't cover it initially because they considered it "excessive".
  15. I didn't have a good feeling about those tacos last night
  16. in all fairness, the instructions should have read: line 1: "best wishes suzanne" line 2: "we will miss you"
  17. the spirit of a mountain ram, hahaha.
  18. yeah there's something fulfilling about ruining a goalies shut out in a blow out, too. "yes, everyone on your team got a hat trick, but I snatched away what mattered most to you" plus a score of 14-1 makes the other 12 goals seem meaningless, while 14-0 screams total dominance.
  19. there's something fulfilling about that, though. except if it's a blow out, then it f'in sucks.
  20. I sometimes think the thieves aren't hockey players... just know what to look for.
  21. typically i would have just chalked it up as a loss, and went home, but that idiot had to call me out/challenge me.
  22. went to a drop in hockey session a few days ago. it's "first twenty to show up get to play" rule, with the doors opening at 7. i get there at precisely 7 and there's like 30 guys there, one says "you dont think you're going to play, do you?" and everyone laughs. i put my bag down, make a call on my cell phone... as i'm doing this, some douche says "for a 40lb of vodka and $20 you can have my spot", but before i give him a response, my cousin answers, he's the recreation director for the region and i say "who do i ask for to get a spot at drop in" he says "pass the phone to the girl at the desk" which was right beside me, so i do. they talk, she hangs up and hands the phone back and says "you're in" love it.
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