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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by stevelknievel

  1. A new job may be on the horizon but it almost surely means I won't be playing in my Friday night league, big bummer for me as most of us are all the original squad and started in the beginner league.
  2. Finally getting around to this, I got these after my last game before the holiday break, I set them in my skates and sat around with them before WF and they felt good. I ended up taping the inserts and shims inside. Unfortunately I think I could have skipped the shims they put a bit too much pressure on my forefoot while skating. I may have to order another pair and just skip the shims.
  3. I've got some coming as well, I know I curl my toes up sometimes which causes some foot pain, looking forward to trying these out.
  4. I kind of feel your pain. I play in a low level league and some of the shit our refs have to put up with is terrible. On behalf of the players who aren't asshats I'm sorry man lol
  5. So sorry for your loss man. Thoughts and prayers are with you bud.
  6. I've got the surgeons. I love them. But they do run small, I'm in a 14 and have never fit any other 14 before. Mine loosened up a little after 5 or 6 games but not enough for me to want to try a 13.
  7. Terrible news. Sorry to hear that, my thoughts are with his family and friends.
  8. Dont usually post in here but goals in back to back games and those being the first I've had in actual games is a big deal to me lol.
  9. You're a better man than me. If I caught someone who had just stole my stuff I'd probably be in jail too.
  10. Yikes that looks like it sucks bad glad you're OK. I cannot stand wearing a cage but it's a necessary evil lol
  11. Just came in for ltr. Looking forward to using it later.
  12. That's an amazing picture but sorry to hear about Chico man.
  13. When i was doing tech support in a call center some of the stuff i heard has scarred me for life. I don't know which one takes the cake, hearing some lady tell a customer "n as in knife" twice or hearing "is it plugged up" instead of plugged in.
  14. That does suck welcome back to the shitshow
  15. Holy hell what a scar but glad to hear lifes getting back to normal.
  16. I picked up a 4.5 from a buddy who didn't like the curve the tc2 is definitely their sakic clone. Im really impressed with the stick so far.
  17. Non hockey related but one of my customers just stopped by to give me a case of Sam Adams. Best day at work ever.
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