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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AfftonDad last won the day on October 2 2017

AfftonDad had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

88 Good


  • Skates
    VH Customs
  • Hockey Bag
    Bauer Core
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 11K
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer X40
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM U+CL
  • Pants
    CCM U+CS
  • Helmet
    Easton E700 w/Re-Akt Titanium
  • Gloves
    CCM U+CL
  • Stick
    Bauer Nexus 8000 / Easton V9

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  1. I use all three knobs each skate. But I have adjusted my holder to be perfectly flat (at least to the extent that I can measure). If I'm low at both ends I move all three up by the same amount until one side is high and the other low. Then I use just the front knobs for the rest. If it starts with both high, then I move all three knobs down by the same amount until one side is high and one side is low, then use just the front two knobs. After I'm done I return all three knobs to the "zero" position which I have marked on the holder. I contacted the inventor of the tri-lie holder once and asked him if you should use all three knobs. He said "of course,"
  2. Yeah I was saying that on my True skates with Bauer Edge Holders with the boots constructed to have a +3 built in to the boot, they feel like a little bit more forward pitch than my VH with CXN holders felt.
  3. Yes they can accommodate it. I had them put a +3 on mine so they would be like my Makos and VH with CXN holders. They can do it with a shim (if they are putting the holder on) OR in the boot (I had them build it into the boot on mine). However, they told me that the boot and True holder is neutral (relative to Bauer), which is contrary to what I have heard here. So figuring out what pitch to ask them to put on it might be difficult. I got Bauer Edge holders on mine. If I were doing it over I think I would ask them for a +2 (they feel slightly more forward pitched than my VH with CXNs did).
  4. Now, wait a second... When I got Bauer Edge holders on mine, they told me they only could do the heel foxings with the True holder.
  5. I've used the clamps on the heel. It works well. I made the clamps a little tighter than I would have really wanted them because it returns a little bit to it's previous position after you take the clamps off. I used it on insteps as well to get rid of a tiny bit of space there that was causing a bit of a sucking sound/feel when I would stride forward (maybe that's just the sound of me sucking so bad) . It was a really slight thing that was just messing with my head more than anything else. I do one skate at a time. I don't like being rushed and feeling like one skate has cooled down while i am working on the other one.
  6. Might find you don't need/want waxed laces. I used to always use waxed laces until I started using VH (and now True). I found that with VH I was prone to making them too tight with waxed laces. Even now, 3 or 4 years later, I still catch myself forgetting that I don't need to and making them too tight every now and then.
  7. Information about who he is, is publicly available, but it would be bad form to post it here.
  8. And a Weebly (free) website whose domain was registered just 7 days ago (the same time he started posting here). Interesting business model... piss off your potential customers. I guess he follows the "there is no bad publicity" philosophy.
  9. All those stupid professional hockey players using them. How foolish they are. They must only be using them because of the sponsorship deals.
  10. I just got mine around a month ago and I didn't get the nice packaging and the bag, etc. Just a brown box. Oh well. The important part came though!
  11. The re-baking with clamps solved all my problems. They pretty much feel exactly like my old ones. One thing about them though is pissing me off. I wear my shins over my tongues and for some reason my tendon guards keep ending up under my hockey socks. So I end up with that "leg warmer" look. I hate that. My last pair were the "flexible" tendon guards so maybe they stuck out a little more and prevented it. It's the only pair of skates I have ever had do that. Hopefully it will stop after the tendon guards get broken in a little bit.
  12. I did not. They took around four weeks for them to arrive. I'm sure if I had asked Rob for tracking info he would have given it to me. I think they shipped on a Monday and I got them on the next Wednesday. Took a total of four weeks.
  13. Very similar (except they look a little cooler... they say True on them and have some cutaway pieces that sort of give them a metatarsal guard look). Even though they offered me an option with metatarsal guards, I chose the felt tongues. I didn't have good luck with metatarsal guards on my U+CL (they kind of "broke") so I wanted to stick with the tried and true felt tongues.
  14. Probably not a bad idea. I would have if it were available where I live.
  15. Bit of an observation here... I had/have a pair of VH and I just received my True skates a week or so ago. I had the True skates made to the same tracings as the VH were. My feet (nor any other body parts) have not lost weight. The True skates seem to have a little more space in them than the VH skates that should be exactly the same. I'm having to work a little harder to get the True skates as snug as the VH were. I have a lot of forward pitch built in to the boot. The first time I skated with them I could feel my toes banging up against the toe cap due to the extra space allowing my foot to slide down the "hill" of the forward pitch. After that I baked them a second time, using a trigger clamp on the heel, wearing no socks and tying them as tightly as I could (to bias them a little snugger). I skated on them a second time and the sliding forward thing was gone, but there was still a little space in the midfoot (instep and directly across the instep on the outside) where I can feel(hear?) air sucking in and out of the gap each stride. I am going to try baking them a third time, with clamps also across the midfoot to take out the little bit of remaining space. True has offered to send a thicker footbed if I'm not able to get it there through molding. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get them there though. After the second baking (with the exception of the little bit of space that will hopefully soon be gone) I am very happy with how identical my True(with +3 in the boot) + Bauer Edge + LS2 feel compared to my VH + CXN + ES4.
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