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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Asian Tomatoe

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30 Good


  • Skates
    Bauer 1N Size 6.5
  • Hockey Bag
    Pacific Rink
  • Shin Pads
    CCM 9080 14"
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM U+ CL
  • Pants
    Pro Stock Warrior QRL PRO
  • Helmet
    Bauer RE-AKT 150 or Bauer RE-AKT 75
  • Gloves
    Pro stock CCM FT1 14" or CCM HG98 14"
  • Stick
    STX Halo, 85 Flex, P88

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  • Interests
    Hockey, Golf, Guitar, Anime, Comics, Books,
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  1. Saw the the pre-order pictures for the XF Pro skates and looks like it isn't all black and silver… the tongue is also different from the Jetspeed line from some of the pre-release skate videos people have been making. The skate color has some dark gold/dark bronze accents and the tongue is more like the AS-V Pro. Much prefer the all black and silver look and tongue from the Jetspeeds. It’s better than the AS-V line color but still sad they didnt keep the all black and silver look…
  2. The CCM titanium in a large was the only one that fit right because it was longer than the REAKT cage. For reference I wear a medium helmet and a large cage. The REAKT is lighter but it never worked for me… Now if Bauer comes out with a titanium cage in the profile shape then I’ll pick one up as I‘ve been using my last two cages and the chin cup is starting to get really beat up… Is there any replacememt chin cup that would fit the CCM titanium cage? I haven’t been able to find any that fit right.
  3. I switched from Hyperlites to Cat9’s but I switch holders out immediately to LS edge so I can’t give any feedback on the shift max holders. Compared to the Hyperlites, the Cat 9 is stiffer all around but has less forward flex. I found the Cat 9 far more comfortable and more responsive than than the Hyperlite. The pitch on the Cat 9 seems less forward given both having LS Edge holders. Cat 9 is wider in the forefoot and more volume throughout, especially in the forefoot. Overall I fit, prefer the Cat 9, better and feel its a more responsive boot. It’s more comfortable and the ankle wrap is really nice. My main complaint about the hyperlite was it felt like the ankle never wrapped well even with the cut outs and would get loose during a game because it wanted to go back to it’s original form. I like that i can tie the top two eyelets lose on the Cat 9 and still get support whereas in the hyperlites I had to tie the top two tight to get the wrap and fit i wanted. For reference I a size 6 in Hyperlite, fit 2 size 6 R in Cat 9, and size 6.5 fit 2 in Ultrasonic.
  4. I found the Catalyst skates to be the same sizing as the TF series except that there is a thicker foam piece in the front of the toe. I was lucky able to bake both a size 6.5 and a size 6 and, as stated by everyone else, baking really changed how the skate felt from pre-bake. Pre-bake, the size 6 felt way too short and and the 6.5 was the right size but post bake, my feet settle in towards back more and it was too large and wide. The skates, open up a lot when baked but i did notice that there is a large front pad that affects the perception of sizing. For reference, I'm a size 6 fit 2 in the Hyperlites and a size 6.5 fit 2 in Ultrasonics. Mach skates I only got to try on a size 6.5 fit 2 and those seemed to be perfect with a wider toe cap than the Ultrasonics. Didn't get to try on a size 6 to see if the wider toe cap allowed me to fit smaller but the 6.5 had my toes barely brushing the toe cap pre-bake.
  5. How is the flex rating compared to other manufacturers? Do you guys feel like it plays stiffer or weaker than normal (CCM sticks seems like they play a bit stiffer than their Bauer counter part)? Trying to decide between a 77 or 70 flex. I tend to cut at least an inch to 1.5 inch off the top of current retail sticks.
  6. Take a look at Stark Hockey as they make gloves specifically for women’s hand. Their website will describe the fit and differences between men’s gloves. Another option, but is an older glove and harder to find now, but the STX Surgeon series gloves are super tight fitting that might work. Their 14” gloves was more like a 13” to 13.5” gloves when compared to most other gloves. For pro stock, Jason Spezza gloves are tight fitting and size 13”. He has reduced gussets all thru the fingers and the part of the palm that they fit ultra tight.
  7. I'm noticing a lot of people are changing out the SHIFT holder with the LS Edge or XS. What are people's thought on the SHIFT holder? I find them to be ok...neither good or nor bad except for how short the steel height is. I'm thinking about changing them out and up-sizing to a 263 from a 254 but worried about how the holes will align/ overlap. I have a lot of 263 steel lying around and like the extra height on the steel compared to the SHIFT holder.
  8. I didn't know you could still get clarino liners at retail custom. Can you get Ultrasonic without the flexible tendon guards?
  9. Hey Thorisson#3, I'm not sure if it's because of Covid or how emails are screened or what not but I had a warranty issue with the TF9's and I called True and talked to a customer service rep. I had email but didn't get a response so I called them. Once I got a customer service rep, they were very responsive and easy to work with so try that if you haven't already.
  10. Wasn't sure if Innovative counted since they were a bit more mainstream. Loved their composite taper blades and 1100 series shafts. While we're at it, what about Branches and their gold and black/green composite (9001?? series) shafts? Those were some nice shafts at the time, pre-Easton dominance.
  11. Harrow - Both Shafts and Blades. Liked their blades as they had some of the older 90's curves that weren't available any more and some different variants. Also had pretty good feel to them. The shafts were decent. Solid and a little whippier than their state flex when compared to other brands but they could take some abuse. Trialage (Triliage??) - Those red triangle shaped shafts. Never owned one but had a chance to try them out in roller and it was...a really weird feeling shaft.
  12. I have the HG97 ECHL and a HG98, both without the shot blockers and they are some of the most protective, tighter fitting 4 rolls. It's nothing like the retail models and the pro stocks one all have D3O instead of the D30 lite they use at retail. They are a bit heavier than the retail models but far more protective. I'd say they are more protective than the pro stock Bauer and Warrior gloves. I also have the FT1 in pro stock with the shot blockers and have the same comments as above. i compared them to the retail FT1's and it's night and day different in terms of protection. As far as sizing goes, I'm not totally sure but anything new that's been made after the HG96 series is the same length as retail from my experience. The 0.5 in long fit might have been true with the older pro stock gloves I tried on but aren't sure as I've only tried them on in passing but remember them fitting a bit looser than the retail equivalent at the time. The model stick9 is asking about is equivalent to the retail U+ CL model gloves and those did fit large. In particular, the finger lengths were really long. Those in pro stock, I've seen tons of variants but always fit extremely large...those in 14's felt like 15's in many gloves and hence, I never picked one of those up.
  13. Do the custom True skates have less volume in toe cap area for those of you that have Custom skates? Oh and one more thing, these only have one insole and no red liner like the custom ones.
  14. With the new fit im a fit 3 but in the previous Bauer lines I was a supreme EE or a Nexus D but heels on the nexus were too wide. If you can try out the True skates in both width. You're on the cusp where I’d guess you would be a D width in True but could go either way. As far as sizing goes. I was 6.5EE in Makos and a 6.5 in Bauers and CCM and i ended up in a 6.5W for Trues. One thing i noticed that’s really different from the Makos Is the toe box area. The Trues dont have the liner/extra snug Feel up on top of the foot like the Makos.
  15. I ended up taking advantage of the True rebate and picking up a pair of the TF9's in a 6.5W. The W width seemed really wide to me (which is what I need). I'd say the True W width is similar to a Bauer Fit 3 but the shape of the front of the True's are different from Bauer or CCM to me. It doesn't taper in slightly where the toe cap meets the boot on Bauer or CCM skates but rather, stays the same width. Also, it seems like it's a deep boot overall. There is enough volume in the top of the toe box where I think I'm going to use PowerFoot inserts to take away some of that space. The insoles I'm not sold on. It's definitely nice but it's a bit thick and you have inserts to attach for the arch (medium or high). Not sure how they will work out but I'll give them a shot.
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