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Found 17 results

  1. Byufiglien with an as yet-unseen rather ugly white skate.
  2. Howdy, Anyone got any new info about the True retail / non-custom skates? That was a thing, right? Mark
  3. Hey guys, Was hoping I could seek some insight on proper skate fit. I recently started playing competitively & recreationally again after a 10 year hiatus, played high level through my younger years and high school but never went past that as it was time to get into the work force. Long story short at the beginning of this year I noticed I definitely needed new skates (10 year old Bauer one.8's, that were bought too big as my parents always had the "buy one size bigger" mentality so I would "grow" into them, turns out that set I never did, lol). They were a size 8.5D, my shoe size is approx 9/9.5. Not knowing anything about getting skates properly fitted I came across a set of True TF9's 7.5R that were being sold secondhand but were new (didnt fit the guy properly), $350CAD w/ Tuuk holders & steel. Did lots of reading on here and it seemed like that would be the right size, so went to Sportchek tried them on in a 7.5R and they felt pretty tight but from what I read thats the way they should feel before a bake so I went ahead and picked the used set up. Got them baked and everything felt awesome initially. Fast forward 6 months later I have a ton of my pain on my outside of my forefoot and the outside of my ankle bone always has been an issue with the Trues, have had them punched a couple times. Tried the TFPRO tongues as the stock TF9 tongues would dig into the outside of my ankle, alleviated some pain, but still present. So I figured Id go to my LHS and get scanned and fitted for some Bauers. Initially thought Id go with some Hyperlites but was open to the Mach's as well, just whatever fit best. Scan came to a 7.5 FIT3. To my surprise I actually had wide feet which I never knew. Explained my pain in the Trues. So tried on some 7.5 FIT3 Hyperlites, too long. They didnt have FIT3's in Size 7. So tried in the 3X Pro in 7 FIT3, felt comfortable but not super 'tight' if that makes sense, through the whole skate just kinda felt like there was too much volume? Tried the 7 FIT3's in the Machs and they felt the best, im not sure if it was because I was able to get them tighter with the traditional eyelets, but they almost felt maybe they were a touch too long? I also came across a set of new Hyperlites size 7 FIT3 for a good price on marketplace, but not sure I want to go down that road again lol. Now im wondering if I should go back and try a 6.5 FIT3 (bonus as theyre cheap due to the int sizing) in both models, and maybe a 7 FIT2 in the Vapor line. How should the skates feel before being baked? As far as width tight but not uncomfortable? Toes touching the toe box? I know the Trues changed drastically after being baked, so im afraid of buying skates that fit good out of the box but over time break in to be too big, if that makes sense. Especially at the $1k price point. My LHS has been awesome with helping me and are very knowledgable but I know theres a ton of people on here that are experts on this stuff, so just wanted to reach out. Sorry if this thread is in this wrong section.
  4. Hello, after a recent game was left with this as an outcome, after some reading I am no the only one! im looking for a replacement of this screw, does anyone know the measurements and thread? thanks for any help!
  5. I live in a non-traditional hockey market. The LHS doesn't know how to install a set of XS holders onto my True Custom skates. I checked that the stepsteel is straight when it's loose, but when the steel is placed in the holders, the steel become warped. Skates wobble when I went for a skate. The LHS says the True Customs doesn't have a flat foot bed so it's hard to install the holders. Anyone done this and have advice for the LHS? They tried a few times and still can't get it on straight. https://imgur.com/a/xxiKN9P Thanks
  6. Bauer Nexus GEO and TRUE PX?
  7. Hello all. Looking for some advice. I've always been a supreme user and I've gotten used to the range of motion you get with their flexible tendon gaurds. I've tried other skates and have never been able to adjust as I feel they never allow me the same range of motion. For players looking to switch from Supreme, what options are out there? If I'm looking to get into a pair of True skates, is there anything that can be done to accommodate this feature? I've looked online and can't seem to find any info on this topic. Thanks in advance
  8. I'm looking to update my gloves (currently in Easton HSX Synergy), and I'd like to try another brand this time around. I love the anatomical fit of my current gloves, which I found better for me than Bauer's equivalent 1s and also found the 1x to be too loose. I've read good things about both the True XC9 and the Warrior QRL Pros, which especially get a lot of love around here. My problem is that I haven't found anywhere locally yet that have the Trues in stock to try on. The quality seems to be roughly equal for both, but my main concern is surrounding fit between the two. Has anyone had experience with both and can speak to which provides the snugger fit throughout? I'm not as concerned about the Z-palm technology in the Trues and value fit above all else.
  9. Here are some sightings at the dev camps As2 Ribcor The Vapor FlyLite no longer a team GB exclusive Maltese throat guard Easton still getting love
  10. Anyone got some experience with the twig? Thoughts compared to other twigs?
  11. I have two very different sized feet. I broke my growth plate when I was a kid. I have a left size 13 and a right 11 to 11.5 They don't even make size 13 retail anymore, but I've always just gone with the bigger size and had lot of room at the end of my smaller foot toe. Not sure how much this has affected my skating, but I've also only played about 6 years as an adult. Some back ground info (to help me choose which skate is best for me and dropping some serious $$) I learned how to skate on Reebok 17k's and am a big guy. 6'4" 245 lb ish. I didn't know it at the time but they were a VERY soft boot. Once they finally gave out I ended up with a top of the line or high model size 13 EE CCM jetspeed and HATED them for the longest time. They are just too still for me and or my ability level. I've had them about 2 years now and gotten used to the stiffness to an extent, but am a fairly upright skater with bad knees and have never felt as fast on them as the 17ks, especially on take off or in tight. I might be able to get away with a size 12 and meet in the middle of both feet. but if not i need to go full custom for size 13. It looks like the 80k will be more my style with the boot being a bit softer and more flexible than the others on the market, but I'm also considering true/VH. The true's are very stiff and a bit heavy. I'm pretty sold on the 80k's and they DO now offer a full custom order option. I'm open to whatever company can fit my weird feet needs, but also looking for any input or advice. I might be able to save money and go with a size 11 on my small foot and a 12 on the bigger (I guess when ordering you can now get two different size skates mailed to a pro shop). Or if I'd be better off with a full custom mold - but have been told having a different size blade holder/steel in general could feel weird or not be a good thing, similar to a car out of alighment with such a drastic foot size difference. 1.5 - 2 sizes. I'm also curious if the size 12 80k DOES indeed fit, it only comes in D and I've always had EE, but have read they have very thick moldable pads so maybe it would stretch. Help!
  12. Well with free agency just days away I think this can be started... 2S Pro at Flyers camp https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dgz5v_uWsAg_WLY.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DgzktYgX0AA6V-T.jpg:large
  13. Sticks - New for 2017 is the 2nd gen XCore product; the XC9 ACF. With a focus on swing weight, the XC9 ACF's balance point was tweaked to improve on that. It was lightened a bit in the shaft and blade - coming in at 415g. Their Braided Rib Tech that debuted on the A6.0 SBP last year has been added to the entire X series line. On the graphics side, the stick was given a bit more color in the upper part of the shaft. Available in all of True's patterns, however, a MC2 was added to the retail lineup. It is a xx9 clone. The stick is coming in at $279.99 USD in senior length. On the youth and junior side, the XC9 is offered in 4 different flexes; it is called the U-Flex. Comes in at 20/30/40/50 flex. The A Series is unchanged for 2017. Gloves - Unchanged for 2017. Pants - This is a new category for True for 2017, and it's an interesting take on the category. Their X-Tec Suspension protective package is in the hip and kidney pads - there is a X strap that goes across the pad on the side that sits against the body, creating a space between the body and the actual pad. Upon impact, it allows for the brunt of the impact to be dispersed, minimizing it as it carries through to the body. Here are some examples: The pant comes in two forward-canted fits, the XC9 which is a fitted pant, and the A6.0 SBP which is a classic fit. They both come with 800 denier nylon, zippers, antimicrobial liner and a 2" height adjustment system that is achieved with grommets. Also to note, the hip pads are cut differently. They are segmented for better flexion. So instead of having a single piece of curved plastic, you have a straight piece running down the pant (like goalie pants used to have) then the actual front hip pad.
  14. tcraig

    True A6.0

    About Me Height: 5’11” Weight: 215 lbs Shoots: Left While I played at a relatively competitive level growing up (Junior C and B were as high as I got), once I went off to college in my hockey career pretty much stalled. Now that I'm finishing up graduate school, have a real job, and FINALLY have my priorities straight (beer league above all else...duh!), I'm back to being on the ice at a minimum of twice each week and am back to my hockey equipment-nerd ways. I was always an Easton guy growing up as far as sticks go, but the new stuff they had put out just didn't get me fired up like their old stuff did (Stealth CNT master-race!). Wandering through the local Total Hockey, I found the new-to-me True sticks. When I picked up the A6.0, it was like magic - it was the closest thing I've felt in awhile to having that more concave-shaft with raised corners and fantastic balance that I remember from the old CNT's. I knew I was going home with one, so I didn't fight it -- I picked up a left-handed, 85 flex, HCR pattern A6.0 and high-tailed it to the rink for stick and puck. Blade - 7/10 Back when I played a lot, the Lidstrom/Getzlaf/P02 pattern was my weapon of choice. However, they didn't have any of the HCS pattern in stock, so I figured I'd go with the Drury-esq HCR and give rounded toes a try. It took a little bit of an adjustment to get used to the more wedge-like pattern as opposed to the more curve-like nature of a legitimate Lidstrom pattern, but I got used to the differences pretty quickly. In terms of the blade itself, I LOVED it. I've always been a fan of the livelier, "pingy" blades, as opposed to ones that are deadened. This had that lively feel when shooting, but seemed to be very forgiving (at least for me) in terms of stickhandling and catching passes. It's a great balance, and I love it! If it was based strictly on performance, I’d rate this blade a 10/10, however there is a definite issue with blade durability, which brings the score down. Shaft/Flex – 9/10 From the moment I picked it up, I was a fan of the shaft of this stick. I’ve always gravitate towards the grip variants of sticks, and am absolutely in love with the “matte grip” that True uses. It’s not an overly thick rubbery grip like what used to be on the original Synergy and Stealth grip variants, but it’s tacky enough to let me really bear into shots but “smooth” enough that I have no problems with my palms sticking when stickhandling or adjusting my bottom hand position for a one-timer. The shaft shape is perfect for me – it has a nice double-concave shape that feels great in my hands. My favorite shaft of all time is that of the Stealth CNT, with the over-the-top “dog-bone” shape of the massively raised corners and concave walls. This doesn’t get nearly that aggressive in terms of shape, but it’s the closest thing I’ve found when compared to most of the other sticks I’ve messed around with lately that tend to either be smaller and very rounded on the corners (i.e. Vapor 1x) or very squared off with no concavity (i.e. Supreme 1s). In terms of flex, this is right in my wheelhouse. It loads exceptionally easily, but still has a great amount of kick on shots. It loads more easily than the other stick that I’m mainly using at the moment, which is a pro-stock CCM stick with an “SV” build in 80 flex, but kicks harder on shots than that stick – I consistently shoot better with the A6.0 in all shot types. Originally I was worried that it would whip out too quickly, since it felt perfect on day 1, but that hasn’t been an issue and it still seems to kick as well as it did when I got it. I’d rate the shaft a 10/10 if it was my perfect shape, but I think a 9/10 is as good as a shaft will get for me now! Stickhandling/Receiving Passes – 10/10 In terms of stickhandling, no stick is going to make me have moves that are better than your average toddler. However, I will say that I did not notice any stickhandling woes when using this stick, so it isn’t any worse than I normally am! In terms of receiving passes, pucks just stick to the blade when I receive them. It’s really great! I was originally thinking I’d need to make sure I had very soft hands when receiving a pass, as the blade is so lively when shooting. I was pleasantly surprised – I don’t need to be nearly as gentle as I expected, which makes receiving a hard pass in traffic and holding onto it a very painless process. Shooting – 10/10 Ooooooh my. Shooting is where this thing shines for me. I’ve always had an above-average shot, especially slapshots. They absolutely FLY off of the blade of this stick. The amount of kick I feel when taking a slapshot is terrific – and it’s incredibly consistent. I also find wrist shots to be a breeze with it, as the shaft is so easy to load it takes a lot of the work out of it and lets me focus more on shot placement. I’m confident that the shot will come off hard every time, so focusing on accuracy has definitely improved my game a bit. I play defense and love raining bombs in from the point, and I’ve noticed that I get more shots through traffic to the net when using this stick – I have to believe that comes from the increased confidence I have when shooting that it will be hard enough that I can focus on picking a spot to get the puck through to the net. The release seems nice and quick as well, especially on snap shots. Again, that lively blade makes the puck just jump off with a minimal amount of force, and really lets me get shots downrange quickly. I absolutely love ripping shots with this thing. Weight and Balance – 10/10 This is the lightest, most well balanced stick I’ve ever used. Period. Original Stealth (still have one I mess around with!) – nope. CNT – nope. Vapor XXX-lite? Nope. This feels like witchcraft in my hands…I haven’t plopped those other sticks I mentioned on a scale, but fully taped up mine weighs in at 411 grams. I didn’t weigh it without tape, but I do a full heel to toe (covering the toe and cutting the excess) tape job, so it isn’t the lightest…it’s also tape, so it’s not like it’s crazy heavy. But the balance of this thing is absurd. It’s the most blade-light stick I’ve ever used, which I love…others may feel it’s too light when stickhandling, but that’s all personal preference. All I know is it feels like it shouldn’t be possible for it to feel as light as it does. Durability – 5/10 And here we come to the Achilles heel of this stick – durability. I’ve always been one to go for performance over durability, so I was never surprised when a stick didn’t last as long as a lower-tier model. But the blade on this is incredibly fragile…after only 11 sessions (5 games and 6 stick and pucks), there is a crack running vertically up the blade from the bottom up, about half way down on the front face. This is now my backup stick, as it is now only reliable for wrist shots. I can feel the blade torque open on anything heavier, and a lot of power gets lost. I really hope to get my hands on the SBP model of this stick soon, as I hear that the blade durability has improved greatly, but it was pretty terrible on the normal A6.0, which makes me sad as it’s one of my favorite sticks of all time. That said, the shaft has held up well, and if I do take a clapper it seems to kick as hard as ever…but the blade torqueing open ruins it for me. Intangibles – N/A The only realistic complaint that I have about this stick is blade durability, as the blade fell apart pretty quickly. Other than that, the only thing I can complain about is that the shaft shape isn’t available in that super aggressive raised corner layout of the Stealth CNT…but I’m not going to find that anywhere, so I can’t hold it against the stick! Also, I really like the way this stick looks – it’s understated, with the branding being mostly a charcoal grey on top of the black primary coloring, and I dig it. Using this has made me hopeful that the SBP model of the A6.0 will offer the same great performance, with a blade that holds up much better. I can’t bring myself to spend $270 on one right now to find out, but will be keeping an eye on any sales that pop up, as I feel like that could get pretty close to perfect for me! Conclusion – 8.5/10 I feel like overall, True did a great job on this stick. If they can tighten up blade durability, that would alleviate all of my realistic negative points on this stick and would have brought the score up to a 9.9/10. At the original MSRP, the blade durability issues would not let me recommend this stick to someone that has anything less than an unlimited amount of hockey funds, however at the current sale pricing of around $100/stick, I’m considering picking another one up. I’d much rather try to get into an A6.0 SBP though in order to see if the durability issues have been addressed. Overall, I did love this stick, and it has some of the best performance that I’ve found!
  15. http://modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/files/file/196-2016-true-hockey-catalogue/ Sticks - True has updated their A-Series line for 2016. While the majority of the features from the previous line carry over into the new line, the difference is what has been done to the blade. Their Braided Rib Technology consists of two braided carbon fiber tubes that run the length of the blade. One is in the center of the blade, and the second one is below, in between the center tube and the bottom of the blade. It being a braided tube also means that the fibers are continuous, helping to prevent cracks. This blade has been added to each of the A-Series sticks for 2016. This has resulted in a 50% stronger blade than last year's A-Series AB II blade. The A6.0 SBP (strength/balance/power) comes in at 400g at senior and in 6 patterns. Matte grip finish with a double-concave squared-corner shaft dimension. The 5.2 SBP also features a BRT blade. That one is coming in at 420g, 6 patterns. And even yet, the 4.5 SBT is what True is calling their "team" stick - typically what is the price point right above top end from most competitors. BRT blade, 6 patterns, coming in at 445g. The 2.2 comes in at 490g under $100. 3 patterns, 2 flexes. The 6.0 SBP also comes in shaft and blade form; both standard and tapered offerings. Xcore carries over from 2015. Gloves - True has two glove families for 2016 - The X series, which is an anatomical fit, and the A series, which is a classic 4 roll glove. The top end gloves share the same technologies - EPP protection with PE inserts on top, nylon and their Trueflex lock thumb. However, the story is the palm. Both the A 6.0 SBP and the XC9 have a removable palm. The way the Z Palm works is that there is a continuous zipper that starts at the base of where the palm meets the back cuff and continues along the outer of the gusset. The zipper is on the top part of the gusset so it isn't felt when the glove is on your hand. The top of the zipper is bound so that once the zipper is done, the teeth are tucked underneath. The Z Palm comes with 5 different options - standard, which is 1mm Clarino with an .6 overlay. The Z Pro is .6 Clarino, which makes for a very thin palm. The Z-Grip is .75 AX Suede with a .5 grip overlay and has a grip print in the index and middle fingers. The Z-Fit is .6 Torray with a .6 overlay, making it a flexier palm. The Z-Power is 1mm Clarino and a 1mm overlay, with a .6 overlay on the index and middle fingers. The neat thing about this is that all of the palms are interchangeable. For instance, on custom gloves that I have made in the past, I always go for the thinnest possible, but typically go with an overlaid palm on my top hand. This would be possible with these gloves without going with a custom order. The 4.5 glove and XC7 glove are slightly down spec'd - no Z-Palm and the EPP foams are 4mm smaller than the top-end glove.
  16. http://modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/files/file/195-2015-true-hockey-catalogue/ True had a very good lineup last year that was received well, however, there wasn't a very big differentiator in terms of technology between them and competitors for the most part. This year, though, is different. True's new stick is the XCORE 9, which is very, very interesting. The blade features a urethane insert that is placed in the core of the blade. The insert compresses - when you flip the stick over, you can feel it give if you stick your fingernail in it - and the premise behind it is that it gives the shooter better puck feel as it dampens when the puck strikes the blade, however produces more puck spin when shooting, creating a heavier shot. The insert starts in the heel and extends slightly past center, giving the blade a bigger sweet spot. Full 100% carbon fiber on the stick, and still featuring all of the technologies that were on the A6.0. The rest of the line carries over from 2014.
  17. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/files/file/180-2014-true-hockey-catalogue/ Will touch on it once I receive a sample.
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