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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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06 mission line

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i have a question for justin of mission. i have a pair of mission D1 roller hockey pants but they feel kinda of heavy are the new pants lighter this year?

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when can we expect some pre-release pics? :rolleyes: and can you tell is if there will be anything new as in new tech (VIBE, DNA, Magnesium chassis... ect)?

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New Skates, New Pants, New Girdles, New Gloves, and Goalie.....

So does this mean the new Mission '06 Line will have a new Mission Thorax Upper Body Protector?

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when can we expect some pre-release pics? :rolleyes: and can you tell is if there will be anything new as in new tech (VIBE, DNA, Magnesium chassis... ect)?

Sure, why not?


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Both those skates look sweet. On the white/charcoal skates, it looks like they eliminated the DNA strands. It would be wicked if they had a straight up white skate.

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definitely taller as stated. also, the toungue seems alot wider and more square. The whole boot looks a little heaftier, specifically around the ankle area. looks like they were shootin for more support. it'll be interesting to see how/if the final retail skates will change from these (lookd-wide anyways)

I wonder how that white chassis would look on my 950s???

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The whole white and grey reminds me of some older rollerblades. The name escapes me, they were a shoe company that started with an F, they had those stunt shoes if anyone remembers.....sorry :(


guy I played with wore his till about a year and a half ago

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yeah, I really do. especially now that you brought it up.

they were clunky, but pretty comfy

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what kinda wheels will be on the new line?

most likely Factory.

my boss said factory wheels wont be on missions next year...he could be wrong though.

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