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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shirt Idea

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Each year at my school the juniors and seniors each get shirts made, and we can put whatever we want as our names and numbers on the back. However, my school is very strict about what gets put on the shirts. Thats where the challenge comes, getting something good on the shirt that the Dean won't understand or disapprove of. Of course the school has heard all the old ones, Mike Hunt, ect. Last year mine was pretty good, Drew Peacock (say it fast). So this year I'd like to get another good one, but I'm having difficulties. Any suggestions? The only rules are only 2 numbers and no acronyms. Mack, I know you won't let me down here.

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Hmmm, how about one big "sanchez" moustache on the front?

Granted my brain's fried for grad, but all I have at the moment is that or a donkey getting punched like Rocky.

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There's always the classic Ben Dover..

theres acutally a kid a my school named that lol :lol: he gets teassed alot thought

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There's always the classic Ben Dover..

theres acutally a kid a my school named that lol :lol: he gets teassed alot thought

Ouch that bites. There's also the classic Jack Mehoff

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Ron Mexico.........even if noone gets it, it still sounds like a cheesy porno star name.

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