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PS3 Revealed....

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It can go up because each generation thats what seems to happen. And I disagree with a maxmium, two years ago I never would have pictured paying 60 bucks for a video game but here I am today. Same thing with OPS like the stealth.

i know, i thaught 30 dollars was bad for a stick when i started play, now here i am with a 200 dollar stick

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Man that thing looks sweet. Only thing thats looks alittle weird is that controller, there are third party PS2 controllers similiar to that, and they aren't very comfortable, but who knows, maybe Sony did make these odd shaped controllers really comfortable just like Nintendo did with theirs.

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If they come out around the same time, prices will drop on both of the systems after 6 months. Plus, there were plenty of bugs with the first few batches of PS2's. I'd wait a while to get one, although a lot of people made good money buy reselling their PS2's when they first came out because of limited supply and the holiday season.

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I must have got the keeper then because I have an opening-day PS2 and never had a problem, but see friends not being able to do crap with their new ones.

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It looks okay but the controllers are so ugly.

I loooove the PS1/2 controllers, they had the best shape ever.

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Apparently the processor in the PS3 can compute the data equivalent of 7 DVD's in a single second.......yowza.

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ya and at e3 ps3 unvailed new games like killzone2 which was unreal, and xbox did nothing in terms of new games, nothign spectacular, and elft everyoen wondergn about it.

nintendo was a real dissapointment, liek they weren't ready for the show. however nintendo revolution will be able to download nintendo games from nes, snes, n64

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Nevermind. Watched the press conference from Kov's link. It is backwards compatable all the way to PS1.

That's a loooooot of games.

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I got this in an email from someone, so I apologise for no direct link:

Sony PlayStation Says, "Bring It On, Microsoft!"

Jason L. Miller | Staff Writer | 2005-05-17

Though Jupiter Research predicted that Xbox 360 would outsell Sony's PlayStation 3, they may have been unaware of just how cool Sony's console was going to be.

Donning a processor 35 times faster than PS2, the PS3 will act as a DVD player, DVD recorder, and DVR (digital video recorder), in addition to playing PS1 and PS2 games.

Microsoft touted the new Xbox as an entertainment hub, but the jury is still out as to what it has on Sony's version, as every Xbox feature seems to be answered and one-upped.

The next generation console will use high capacity Blu-Ray Disc ROM technology to answer Xbox's current generation hardware, a 54-gigabyte hard drive to Xbox's 20 gigabytes, and seven Bluetooth wireless remote control support compared to Xbox's maximum of four.

PlayStation 3 also comes with an ability to link to 2 separate screens as well as to PlayStaionPortables.

Other features include Memory Stick, SD, and CompactFlash media slots, a bay for an optional hard drive, and broadband Ethernet connections for real time networking, Internet access, and chat.

A resounding "gulp" could be heard from Microsoft's corner, as its own entertainment hub, which has historically been a money loser, had only the advantage of being on the market six months ahead of PlayStation 3.

This was a decided market strategy after the last head-to-head of the original Xbox and PlayStation 2, where it was thought that PS2 had a significant advantage by getting on the market a full year before.

While Christmas season timing and an MTV special preview may boost Xbox to a head start, serious gamers may wish to save their money until Spring to pick up the projected $400 PlayStation 3.

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If it's going to be a DVR, it needs a bigger hard drive.

Bluetooth controllers are a nice feature.

Maybe it's only for saving highlights from games or the real DVR HD will be an add-on.

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Screen shots are always misleading.

Anyone know if this thing will be backwards compatable w/ ps1 and ps2 games?

I agree screenshots are misleading both ways good and bad. And how can you say xbox 360 doesnt have any good games. Halo 3, Amped 3, Ghost Recon 3, Perfect Dark

Need I say more?

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Xbox graphics look like original Gameboy graphics compared to that. That contoller ruins it all though.

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Xbox graphics look like original Gameboy graphics compared to that. That contoller ruins it all though.

You can compare xbox to ps3. Thats like comparing apples to oranges. Now xbox 360 on the other hand.....

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Anybody else annoyed that the PS3 is still going to have the power switch in the back instead of the front or the top. However, the controller will look nice next to my Bang & Olufsen Phone.

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However, the controller will look nice next to my Bang & Olufsen Phone.

That's exactly what i thought when i first saw the controller!

as for the DVR, i'm sure the ps3 isn't meant to replace dvr's. the feature is there just for convenience. i'm sure you could also record video on blu-ray as well.

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E3 2005: Rockstar Supports PS3

The Grand Theft Auto guys are going next generation.

By Ivan Sulic, May 16, 2005

Despite early reports that claimed Grand Theft Auto would be a PS3 launch title (gotta love that early launch chaos), we have confirmed with our editors at the Sony E3 press event that no new GTA title has been confirmed for Sony's upcoming machine. What Rockstar did confirm, however, was that it would be supporting the powerhouse system in the future and that it's looking forward to creating living, breathing worlds with the Cell technology. Evidence of this could be found in Rockstar's PS3 trailer that showed an old-west style desert game that is as of yet unnamed. We'll have more on that in just a few minutes.

©2005, IGN Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Man I was hoping they would come out with a modern-day GTA for this.

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