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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Finally watched it. It was good but not great. The Anakin/Obi fight was sick. Question. What was the point in Yoda telling Obi about Qui-Gon (sp?) being able to communicate from the dead? He didn't appear in the movie at all and I don't recall seeing him in episode IV.

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Finally watched it. It was good but not great. The Anakin/Obi fight was sick. Question. What was the point in Yoda telling Obi about Qui-Gon (sp?) being able to communicate from the dead? He didn't appear in the movie at all and I don't recall seeing him in episode IV.

It explains how Obi was able to communicate with Luke after being killed. By saying it was master/student, it explains why others never communicated with Luke, only Obi.

All I can say is thank god for a lot of action, outside of Ewen MacGregor the acting was bad. I did like all of the little things with equipment, hairstyles and clothing to tie in with the later movies.

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Finally watched it. It was good but not great. The Anakin/Obi fight was sick. Question. What was the point in Yoda telling Obi about Qui-Gon (sp?) being able to communicate from the dead? He didn't appear in the movie at all and I don't recall seeing him in episode IV.

See, it comes off as forced and pointless in the movie but in the book it talks about how Yoda's meditating and the Force answers him in Qui-Gon's voice. It talks about something how love is the answer to the dark side or some crap like that, which leads to a form of eternal life. I'm going to guess Yoda and Obi-Wan learn that from Qui-Gon but Anakin inherently learned it since he was always loved/loved someone.

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See, it comes off as forced and pointless in the movie but in the book it talks about how Yoda's meditating and the Force answers him in Qui-Gon's voice. It talks about something how love is the answer to the dark side or some crap like that, which leads to a form of eternal life. I'm going to guess Yoda and Obi-Wan learn that from Qui-Gon but Anakin inherently learned it since he was always loved/loved someone.

It also tied in to when Obi-Won said that Darth Vader can't win because "If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."

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Two questions:

1.) It never specifically says, but who commissioned the clone army? I assume it was Palpatine.

2) At the end of Return of the Jedi, Vader tells Luke to tell Obi Wan he was right. What was he talking about?

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Two questions:

2) At the end of Return of the Jedi, Vader tells Luke to tell Obi Wan he was right. What was he talking about?

i think it's when obi says he was the chosen one to bring balance to the force by destroying the sith and thats destroying palpatine. At the end of ROTJ he throws palpatine down that pit and fulfills his destiny by destroying the sith so the prophecy is fullfilled making him the chosen one.

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WOW...Finally saw it! I loved it. Much better than the first two. I had to go to the bathroom since the first 15 minutes, but there was no way i was getting up!!!

All my questions have been answered.

well not all....what did padmay mumble in the end?

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Two questions:

2) At the end of Return of the Jedi, Vader tells Luke to tell Obi Wan he was right.  What was he talking about?

i think it's when obi says he was the chosen one to bring balance to the force by destroying the sith and thats destroying palpatine. At the end of ROTJ he throws palpatine down that pit and fulfills his destiny by destroying the sith so the prophecy is fullfilled making him the chosen one.

I think Vader tells Luke:

"tell your sister you were right about me...tell your sister, you were right."

All this being Luke felt good within Vader and there was hope to return him to the good side. (think of the convo Luke and Leia had at the ewok village on the catwalk/bridge)

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WOW...Finally saw it! I loved it. Much better than the first two. I had to go to the bathroom since the first 15 minutes, but there was no way i was getting up!!!

All my questions have been answered.

well not all....what did padmay mumble in the end?

i think she says "there is still good in him"

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One of the greatest things to come out of the Star Wars trilogy prequel (now that it's finished) is to go back and watch the originals (New Hope, Empire, and ROTJ) with the knowledge that "oh yeah now I know why this occured." Lots of references I found that I missed out on.

On a somewhat related note (and this may be common knowledge)..has anyone caught the scene at the end of the original Star Wars (New Hope/Ep. 4) when Luke Skywalker mistakenly refers to Princess Leia by the name "Carrie"? (of course referring to the actress who portrayed Leia, Carrie Fischer)

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One of the greatest things to come out of the Star Wars trilogy prequel (now that it's finished) is to go back and watch the originals (New Hope, Empire, and ROTJ) with the knowledge that "oh yeah now I know why this occured." Lots of references I found that I missed out on.

On a somewhat related note (and this may be common knowledge)..has anyone caught the scene at the end of the original Star Wars (New Hope/Ep. 4) when Luke Skywalker mistakenly refers to Princess Leia by the name "Carrie"? (of course referring to the actress who portrayed Leia, Carrie Fischer)

whoa..haha really? i never knew that. i've seen ANH probably more times than any other movie....i'll have to go watch it again...around what part does he say it?

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Two questions:

1.) It never specifically says, but who commissioned the clone army? I assume it was Palpatine.

We're to assume Palpatine was behind it, but who specifically went out to that cloning planet isn't really mentioned. I don't know if it was in the book or something else, but I read the guy the named in the move (Syfo Diaz or something) actually went out and ordered the creation, then died later on.

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Two questions:

1.) It never specifically says, but who commissioned the clone army?  I assume it was Palpatine.

We're to assume Palpatine was behind it, but who specifically went out to that cloning planet isn't really mentioned. I don't know if it was in the book or something else, but I read the guy the named in the move (Syfo Diaz or something) actually went out and ordered the creation, then died later on.

It was in the second movie.

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I dunno if anyone mentioned this but does anyone feel the judging between Ep. I, II, and III is a little unfair?

I mean they are basically chapters of a story and the first chapter is usually the most boring.

And Ep. III, though I loved it, has the advantage of being the climax and plays cleanup w/ the plot. It brings everything full circle because it's the third.

The early chapters have the chore of leading up to the big finish ya know? At least IMO.

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I dunno if anyone mentioned this but does anyone feel the judging between Ep. I, II, and III is a little unfair?

I mean they are basically chapters of a story and the first chapter is usually the most boring.

And Ep. III, though I loved it, has the advantage of being the climax and plays cleanup w/ the plot. It brings everything full circle because it's the third.

The early chapters have the chore of leading up to the big finish ya know? At least IMO.

It doesn't excuse the bad scripts or horrible acting. Imagine how good the movies could have been if Lucas wrote an outline and had very telented people finish the script and get better performances from most of the actors. Ewan MacGregor was the only one in all three prequels who was above average in each one.

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Ewan MacGregor was the only one in all three prequels who was above average in each one.

Which is surprising considering that Natalie Portman is a good actress and I thought Hayden was good in Life as a House and Shattered Glass. Of course, he played a whiny little prick in both movies.

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After seeing Shattered Glass and that Life as a House I'd have given Christensen the benefit of the doubt. The scripts had brutal dialogue and he'd been held back from giving any glimpse of Vader in Episode II. I think the homework he'd done on the nuances of Vader from the old movies was pretty remarkable. After watching the first 5 then seeing the last one, you can see he moved around the same way Vader did and even choked people the same way.

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I didnt like the movie..

The last 15 minutes were cool but the rest was really boring.

I liked it when luke and leia were born and when anakin became a human bbq and when he got this rad darth vader costume.

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I didnt like the movie..

The last 15 minutes were cool but the rest was really boring.

I liked it when luke and leia were born and when anakin became a human bbq and when he got this rad darth vader costume.

LOL, now i definately have to see this movie :D

as for who commissioned the clone army, i thought it was an old jedi (is it syfo diaz mack?) who went and asked the people to make him one, just in case the jedi were ever in trouble or something like that.

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