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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst stick you've used?

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Tri-Flex and V120, and I would say that the 120 would take the award over those two. I would also add the v130 but I've only been able to use one. As far as people hating on the response... whats that about? I'm still using a couple in my arsenal and haven't had any problems at all.

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  twistoffate19 said:
Easton Typhoon shaft. I dont get what the damn hype is or how people could use them. It felt like it was gonna break everytime I used it. And at the time 80 flex was perfect for me. Horrible.
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I agree totally

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There's hype for they Tyhpoon shaft?????

And people hate the 3030 stick? I thought that thing was loved by many (including me when I decide to use it). I think it has a very nice feel for stickhandling at least.

My worst stick experience...............can't think of one. If anything, I've had/used sticks I didn't like because they were too long/short too stiff/flexy, or the lie/curve was off.

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if you cant grip it, you need to improve your wrist muscles ;-), or just try a wider stick.

Worst stick, nike woody, actually made me out of breath it was so much heavier than the sticks i have used, and anyhting with a koho crossover blade, its like shooting with a tea spoon, mile high every time!

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Damn, I loved the original Responses, just wan't fond of the lack of durability. As for the worst, I'd say the silver synergys from a few years ago. Absolutely no feel at all.

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  Chadd said:
Damn, I loved the original Responses
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yeah me too...i really liked that stick.

worst stick for me? TPS Rubber. I hated that thing, but close second was the Easton E-Flex

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either the easton z bubble or the tps rubber shaft.they i had 2 of each and they broke so fast.....as for my favorite i love the yellow response i have 4 of them right now and the response + was my favorite stick of all time

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Any of the cheap 2 piece sticks that were heavy as fock.

Ultra Carbon, Octane, Typhoon, ETC. Couldn't stand the way they felt.

I don't know why the cyclone has a bad rap, I loved mine. There's a few of the old color shifting ones left at my LHS, they're selling for 100 bucks with an ultra graphite blade so I'm going to buy one to use when my Z-bubble breaks.

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oh please.... those guys sticks are nothing compared to those yellow plastic sticks that you had to use in elementary school. the sticks would bend so much when ever you took a shot that you couldn't get any power on it and you couldn't even pass right because of the bend.

other then that the worse stick would have to be the z-bubble... i broke two so fast and they cost a ton at the time. i was always scared when going into the boards with those guys cause it was like holding a tooth pick... one touch and they break.

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The Hespeler Patriot "OPS" was a piece. I eventually used it for road hockey. It is now PERFECT for stickball.

The Easton Typhoon sucks something awful. I can't believe I got it instead of a Vapor X :( .

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My patriot was fine, it just didn't have any extra jump on shots. Good feel and pretty durable as well.

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Bauer tru flex worst stick ive ever used

the fist one i had got stuck in the boards so that wasnt bad i got a new one and broke it in a week after like 4-5 ice times the wrap on the black came off.

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Easton Octane. Shaft cracked on the bottom after 1 week of outdoor use, and the feel was just dead. Runner would have to be this Sher-Wood stick I picked up at a discount store. The thing must weight 3 pounds. It felt like someone just chopped a tree down, broke a piece off, and slapped a plastic blade on it.

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bauer tri flex the blue and gold one at least thats what i think it was. i had broke my stick and had to use my friends as a replacement

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