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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Rough Life of Crosby

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I was at a Vancouver Canucks signing and a woman asked Brendon Morrison to sign her breast and he said the only body part he'd sign is an arm. Guess that's what happens when you have a wife and kid (and a better sense that these things can come back to haunt you).

Mind you, if I was seventeen and had the same opportunity I'd be all over it!! Then again, if I had the opportunity today I'd probably still do it! :P


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damn poor guy i wish i had chicks asking me to sign there boobs :P

i think the guys in the background look more excited then he is.

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I wonder why she didn't get a good looking guy to sign it. Imagine all her friends going "Ewww, you got him to sign them?" :P

He may not have been the best looking guy in the room but odds are pretty good that he was the richest guy in the room.

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anybody see that thing on sprotsnet with crosby?

"do you have a girlfriend, it must be tough no?"

"it's really hard, you know, hockey...."

you know in rimouski he doesnt have to say a word and every broad there is on him. hell notonly is it crosby, but they prob want ot leach on him to get out of there

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All I can say is he's one lucky kid :P


You mean to tell me youve never signed a girls boobs before? :lol:

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...well, you mean what I think you mean, I can only scream ("AHHHHHH!"), regain my composure ('breathe, Booie, breathe') and tell you that I REALLY didn't want to hear/read that ("I REALLY didn't want to hear/read that!")

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Well she looks good from behind but then again there's been too many bad examples where they look good from the back but from the front they look :blink: ...paper bag anyone? :D

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