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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stevens big hit against Lindros

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DANG. did the guy have his eyes closed or what?

Probably had his head down...sprinters usually come out of the blocks and don't really look up for the first 20 yards or so (of a 100 M dash)...

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I'm loving the guy in the back with the Orange sweatshirt, he see's it coming the whole way.

LOL, I diddn't even notice him at first, look at his face right before the guy runs into the girl. Priceless.

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I'm loving the guy in the back with the Orange sweatshirt, he see's it coming the whole way.

LOL, I diddn't even notice him at first, look at his face right before the guy runs into the girl. Priceless.

Lol he's got one of these going :o

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It looks like her bag cushioned the back of her head, luckily... :o

It's kind of like us North Americans going to England and stepping off the curb, looking the wrong way (I've done that).

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I wonder how she felt when she regained conciousness? :wacko:

She'll find out some time next week

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DANG. did the guy have his eyes closed or what?

Probably had his head down...sprinters usually come out of the blocks and don't really look up for the first 20 yards or so (of a 100 M dash)...

Yup...head is definitely down

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lol that was great i bet she won't do that again!

Sven you might be able to get it on a Yahoo video search but they don't normally have that many good results

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