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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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We had a "dip off" with a couple kids on my football team. We were all drinking latenight. My buddy threw in an upper and lower decker (one and a half tins) and the guy he was going up against, a 240 lb SEC linebacker threw in a full tin and passed out in 2 mins. Both of them couldn't even spit they just held their mouths open. the LB er had to be carried out of the house, my buddy was good to go though. Plus, I won 20 bucks from betting on my buddy.

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they just wait out front and ask teenagers to buy them and they give the teenagers a couple of dollars extra

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No one gets I.D.'ed around where i live. Long as you got the money you'll get whatever your lookin for. The only thing we have a problem gettin hre in Canada is alcohol because you need to buy it from goverment regulated stores.

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i remember seeing an article on chris speilman (former nfl lb) awhile back and he talked about dipping during a game. with the way he played wounder how tobacco juice he swallowed and what his gumline looks like.

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No one gets I.D.'ed around where i live. Long as you got the money you'll get whatever your lookin for. The only thing we have a problem gettin hre in Canada is alcohol because you need to buy it from goverment regulated stores.

There is no government regulated liquor stores in Alberta, your from AB arn't you?

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So i was down in the states last weekend and i noticed the difference between the size of tins. American tins i think are 35g and in canada they are 15g, does any one know why there is such a difference betweem the tins size?? even those they are the same price.

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