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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your Curve

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
My curves...

Out, my pride and joy, my new TPS XN10 "DOMI" pro stock. Don't know which retail it is equivalent to...

Domi's curve is actually Sundin Pro in a lie 5.

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My curves...

Out, my pride and joy, my new TPS XN10 "DOMI" pro stock. Don't know which retail it is equivalent to...

Domi's curve is actually Sundin Pro in a lie 5.

Kewl.. B)

Thanks for the heads up Marcelo.. :D

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I've been on the Rbk Modano for a little over a month now and I really like it. I prefer it to the Forsberg and other clones of the Easton Modano. It's not as much of a straight line and the curve starts a little further down the blade.

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I started off as a Recchi user but wanted something a little more open for when I'm in tight and have to roof it.

To go back to a lie of 5 I'm thinking about giving a Modano a try.  Is there much of a change going from a mid to a mid-heel curve?

I find that I can get the puck up much better in close with the Recchi than the Modano.

Thanks Nuggy. I'll give the Modano a go to see how it suits my game. I would go back to the Recchi but they blades my LHS carries are the silver ones that are durable, but very heavy that puts my UltraLight shaft off balance.


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Clone? sometimes its a clone of another companies curve. This is Crosby's retail curve, the one made by Sherwood, because they have the rights to his name. It's similar to a drury, with a little more curve.

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That is a beautiful curve. That's pretty much what I'd want in a curve.

  • heel curve
  • 1/2 inch with no depth (straight blade after the bend)
  • lots of loft
  • square toe
  • very little rocker to the blade
  • 5.5 lie

I wish I could find something like that.

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Yup, not a fan of any curve other than what's needed to add loft. That one's a 7 lie too, so it's just all around nasty.

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Drury/YP, duh.

I want to try a York pro on a synergy...

Anyone know where to find a few?

I'm not there right now but at home in Edmonton, there's a store that carries all kinds of Oilers pro stock stuff (even though York got traded) and I would think they might have a few there. Its called Totem Sports..

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