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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting logos off a helmet

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2 methods:

1. Electrical Tape

2. Sportstar Helmet Tabs that come in shapes specifically for the helmet graphics like the Swooshes on the side or the Bauer and the bauer wing on the side of the 4000s.

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I just tried some stuff called "Goof Off" for the first time this week. It's pretty amazing how quickly it takes up adhesives.

You should be able to find it at the Home Despot and probably Wally's.


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  JR Boucicaut said:
Be careful with Goof-Off - I love the stuff but it will melt the plastic on top a little.
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Yeah, I melted plastic on my laptop after I took off a sticker and used goof off. As far as the logos, I'd try brake fluid that is labelled to not melt plastic. It's sort of expensive to not be sure if it works, but I used it to remove acrillic paint off plenty of plastic.

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I had a 4000 helmet and I tried to get the Bauer logos on the side off by heating them up and scratching them off. I got one side off but I was using a little heater thing and I left my helmet beside it. I go to the computer to check out some things at EPuck. I started to notice a burning smell so I walked over there and low and behold the side of the thing was crumpled up and the plastic was pretty much goo.

I felt like such a big idiot. Lesson learned, never use heat unless your really careful. :lol:

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Nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol will take it off cleanly, and it will look like the logo was never there.I did it with my CCM helmet.

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A couple seconds on the low setting of the heatgun just to soften the glue on the back of the stickers and they peel right off. Again, only a couple seconds, you don't want the heat the helmet plastic much if at all.

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Black electrical tape is the best bet. I made my 5000 look completely generic using it. Also when you go to sell it (if you do) , it wont look like ass from someone doing a hack job with a knive or something, you can just remove the tape. ;)

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what would be the best way to get the stickers off the back of your helmet? some of the ways menchined might work but has anyone done it before in a diferent way?

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