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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where does everyone live?

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Where I live- New Milford, Connecticut. (at prep school)

Where my house is- Sewell, NJ (Philly suburb). (where I would be if I didn't leave to go to prep school)

Where I'm moving to- Cicero, NY (Syracuse suburb), so I can play Jr. hockey.

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Roveredo In Piano (the acronimum is better: RiP....) Italy. :lol:

small town, 5k people, on north east italy. 1hr from venice, 5 min from Aviano, home of one of the most important USAF air base in europe... :lol:

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it would be nice if people would put this info in their member profile's. when somebody has a question asking where they can find something, it makes it a great deal easier, if other members can simply check your profile, see where you live, and hopefully, somebody near you can help you out with your question.

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I was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey, but I'm living in Gasport, NY (about 40 minutes from Buffalo, 45 from the Falls) until I graduate in 2006. I don't know where I'll be going once I get out of high school - I'm debating between a year of Juniors up in Canuckyville somewhere or just moving straight to college and trying to walk-on at NU or Canisius...My brain is telling me to go straight to school and see what happens, but my heart is telling me to move north for a year.

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