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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Supreme? -> Bauer ONE90

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Off topic,,,but since some people talk about it...which graf boot would fit my type?? i have a wide feet(8E in ccm) but like a mid cut boot...(i took high cut boot would be great but i can't get used to them on my flexlite...)

Any advice??

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cobraa try to find 609/709s if you can. those are generally the wider fitting grafs, the 735s fit almost every foot type too.

EDIT: i think its the 90 degrees eyelets at ankles are the remaniscent to the quests...

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My boy that is playing for the Ottawa 67s told me a few days before i seen this about them, he said " they are the wierdest looking skates you've ever seen, but they are super comfortable." he said he gets his around christmas time, for FREE. also hes getting a pair of XXX's to use for FREE, until he gets his one90s around christmas. also hes using the XXX lites for sticks, also for free. lucky bastard <_<

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Am I the only one that thinks the Tendon Guard is Gigantic.

nope i think its massive, i still say its a re design of the quest like ccm did with the vector being designed around the old externo

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I'm not seeing the similarities either but am really looking forward to some more of the details as to what will make this skate unique in comparison to other skates.

I dont think the skate is that freaky looking, but assume that the boot material is unmatched to date. I like the fact that there is not a ton of stitching all over the place beecause if its not custom stitching then thats where breakdown seems to occur especially with the vapour line.

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My boy that is playing for the Ottawa 67s told me a few days before i seen this about them, he said " they are the wierdest looking skates you've ever seen, but they are super comfortable." he said he gets his around christmas time, for FREE. also hes getting a pair of XXX's to use for FREE, until he gets his one90s around christmas. also hes using the XXX lites for sticks, also for free. lucky bastard <_<

LoL they get sick stuff. They give them all helmet-visor combos sticks gloves socks pant covers and 50$ just for showing up.

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Am I the only one that thinks the Tendon Guard is Gigantic.

nope i think its massive, i still say its a re design of the quest like ccm did with the vector being designed around the old externo

No I think the reason why the tendon guard looks big is because the tongue is tucked in.

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Got some more info and despite the looks, it is more Supreme than you think - and it is low-cut. Lowest Bauer skate ever.

Do you know if it is a really stiff skate?

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Got some more info and despite the looks, it is more Supreme than you think - and it is low-cut. Lowest Bauer skate ever.

is the liner still hydrophobic clarino?

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