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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Supreme? -> Bauer ONE90

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I was told that the pros were goign to switch them up. Looks like not.

You also can limit the MSH NHL Gallery to giving you pictures of a certain team. Derek threw in that feature and it's really nice.

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and do anybody see a improvement in lindros's skating??


Has there ever been any kind of official study comparing the new, lighter skates to the older Supreme/Tacks skates of the 80's and 90's?

As someone who still skates on old-school skates, I wonder if a lot of people feel a huge performance difference between what we have today and the older stuff.

Basically, can the lightness and new technology of a skate really make THAT much of a difference in one's skating? I know signifigant improvements in cornering have been made...

Inquiring minds want to know!

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Any word on what makes this skate special, other than being light?

It goes to 11

Ok, Nigel.


The point is any info at this point is anecdotal at best. Until someone actually has a pair and skates in them for a while, everything else is just rumor or hype. That goes for any product from any brand.

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Any word on what makes this skate special, other than being light?

It goes to 11

Ok, Nigel.


The point is any info at this point is anecdotal at best. Until someone actually has a pair and skates in them for a while, everything else is just rumor or hype. That goes for any product from any brand.

That is why I asked for any rumored information...even if it is anecdotal. That is what makes this board interesting

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Any word on what makes this skate special, other than being light?

It goes to 11

Ok, Nigel.


The point is any info at this point is anecdotal at best. Until someone actually has a pair and skates in them for a while, everything else is just rumor or hype. That goes for any product from any brand.

I was just pointing out the Tap reference, not questioning what you said :)

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Any word on what makes this skate special, other than being light?

It goes to 11

Ok, Nigel.


The point is any info at this point is anecdotal at best. Until someone actually has a pair and skates in them for a while, everything else is just rumor or hype. That goes for any product from any brand.

I was just pointing out the Tap reference, not questioning what you said :)

I know, I wanted to clarify for those members who don't watch the classics.

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and do anybody  see a improvement in lindros's skating??


Has there ever been any kind of official study comparing the new, lighter skates to the older Supreme/Tacks skates of the 80's and 90's?

As someone who still skates on old-school skates, I wonder if a lot of people feel a huge performance difference between what we have today and the older stuff.

Basically, can the lightness and new technology of a skate really make THAT much of a difference in one's skating? I know signifigant improvements in cornering have been made...

Inquiring minds want to know!


Some of the greatest skaters in the HISTORY of the NHL made their best moves on old school skates.

And I don't see anyone else skating like Coffey or Gartner yet.

I will never buy into the superlight era. It's one of those features that can only get so light and can only help so much.

For those willing to spend upwards of 500+ USD on skates made of helium or woven moonrocks, I'd say spend the money on custom fit skates, learn what hollow/pitch/rocker works for you, take some power skating lessons and hit the gym.

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I will never buy into the superlight era. It's one of those features that can only get so light and can only help so much.

For those willing to spend upwards of 500+ USD on skates made of helium or woven moonrocks, I'd say spend the money on custom fit skates, learn what hollow/pitch/rocker works for you, take some power skating lessons and hit the gym.

my god that is beautiful... nice to see someone else that thinks the same way i do. lighter is not always better. a top end skate should be comfortable, well built, LAST AND HOLD UP, and still be affordable. i don't understand why the retail consumers are still buying into this idea of lighter is better. it isnt true with sticks, or skates. buy what works for you... and don't just tell me that you have what works for you because it is the newest, or lightest, or "best" on the market.

i am on my second pair of custom graf 707's... and i could care less about how much they weigh... so much to the point that i have extra material put on them, and NO i cannot feel the extra 10 grams that were added by doing that. (oh and by the way, my first pair lasted me 4 years of skating 4-5 times a week)... and i still wear them to coach now 2 years later!

the retail consumer should demand quality, fit, and affordability... and until they start doing that... things will continue in the downward spiral that they are in now.

you want to get faster??? wear skate weights during practice... take them off for games and your feet will fly, and your legs will be stronger!

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Not too bad - getting used to the icky weather.

JR, just wait ..............it gets better. :(

any word if the holders will be avaible alone?

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