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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photoshopped Equipment

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can someone make me a mission pulse or easton cnt stealth (non grip) with the name A.Kubiak

you already posted that...and what's the point really?

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Haha. I skimmed the post and thought he meant it would be hard to change the holders in PS. Well here's a PS version.


Hate to be a bother but would you do these Kor skates all black with white laces. Love the Tuuks on them. SWEET!!!

I'm trying to order them this way. Without the Tuuks though.

Thanks in advance

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Anyone up for some Kazakhstan One90's.


Looking for a tip for a Photoshop rookie.........me! :D

I noticed on the Tuuks the yellow is not a block colour and has the original tones on it but in yellow, how did you do that? :ph34r:

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Anyone up for some Kazakhstan One90's.


Looking for a tip for a Photoshop rookie.........me! :D

I noticed on the Tuuks the yellow is not a block colour and has the original tones on it but in yellow, how did you do that? :ph34r:


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Anyone up for some Kazakhstan One90's.


I am, sweet :D

those skates are sick id definatley go those skates if i could get them!!


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Borat is a LEGEND! :D

This is my wife

This is my other wife

This is my mistress

This is my girlfriend

This is my sister

This one i have to pay for, but she worth it WA WA WEEE!

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