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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What number do you wear

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#92 first year I played organized Hockey and got drafted (Adult league) after learning how to skate.

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As a kid I wore 6, but that's more of a defenceman's number so I went to 12 when I realized I was a better small forward. I don't like the flashy numbers because I don't have the game to back it up!

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I wore mostly 75 when I started playing because it was the year I was born but I would wear other numbers if I had to.

After my father died I wore 36 for the year he was born. I won't wear another number now.

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78. It was thrown across the lockerroom to me by the older guys when I was a first year midget. I had no choice at the time, but I decided to stick with it all through high school and still wear it today.

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Wow no 99's so far? Haha... I haven't played on a team or anything, but when I do, I'd like to have 19... bday is Nov. 19 and I'm 19 and this is the 1st year ive played hockey

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usually when a team has a 99 theyre little cocky bastards who dont really have much game so im always sure to knock them atleast once :D

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I play #13 cuz its lucky for me..even hav a 13 tattooed on my back. Plus not too many people seem to play in it in the leagues i play.

They didnt have a #13 shirt on my new team tho so now im playin #69 cuz the other numbers where boring and i like to stand out!

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I play #13 cuz its lucky for me..even hav a 13 tattooed on my back. Plus not too many people seem to play in it in the leagues i play.

They didnt have a #13 shirt on my new team tho so now im playin #69 cuz the other numbers where boring and i like to stand out!

ha go download danzig-thirteen

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usually when a team has a 99 theyre little cocky bastards who dont really have much game so im always sure to knock them atleast once :D

I feel the exact same way as you...

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Wore 66 when I was a youngin for Mario, at 13 was issued 29 for a travel team. After high school I added them and now wear 95 or 29

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#27, for this reasons:

- it's my birthday date

- it's Gilles Villeneuve Ferrari's number

- i love that number!

in the past when i was young my number where:

soccer - #11, #13 and #3. no particular reasons, except for the role played.

volleyball - #14. date when me and my wife first get engaged looooong time ago.

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