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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Shaft (shooting wise)

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Bauer Vapor X shaft with either a Vapor X blade or CCM Vector 120 Blade and your set, ive tried this shaft on a number of occasions from various team mates and they are extreemly light weight and responsive, great feel and IMO - just look damn sexy! :)

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I also say to go with the Bauer X shaft. So sick. I have one with a Drury Focus Flex blade right now in my basement. After my 3 OPS's breaks (which they will, cuz I've broken every OPS I've ever had), I'm going to be going back to that shaft. It fired absolute rockets, I just stopped using it to try the OPS.

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tried an 1100 and had great success with it while it lasted. novius was just as good. and even my synergy grip shaft has great kick in it, but i don't get as much zing on it as it's 100 flex versus the 300 flex inno shafts i used

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i think it all in your head...nothing would really give you a better shot(well okay...maybe 5% better) I mean...i do get a R2XN10 becaus eit was suppose to shot rocket...well i dont shot better with it than my Z-buble or my CYCLONE...or my L-2...it all mental

That may be the case for you but my goalie used to ask me not to use my "yellow stick" when I was on the other team during pickup games. There are some sticks that just seem to act differently in my hands, the R2XN10 is one of them.

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personally my Z-bubble grip in 85 flex was great, i could really rip some shots with it... oh yea haveing a Z-carbon with the focus flex really gives it a kick on your shots

I totaly agree with you. this combo is defently my favorite combo ever and probably the most durable. I have had it since the end of october and its still holding up great (i play 9-12 a week) U can't go wrong with a z-buble grip

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the one that works best for me is the easton ultralite with the easton z-carbon focus flex blade. does anyone else use this? i like the feel of the ultralite.

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i like the shot my rbk 5k shaft gives me it has a real quick release and gives you the technology to do some real damage?

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Z-Bubble/Z-Carbon combo, Broken response with a graphite T-Flex blade was a close second. My RedLite XN10/z-carbon shoots hard too.It's for sale by the way.

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is the redlite xn10 shaft the standard blade equivalent to the r2 xn10 in the tapered blade market?

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they are both made out of the same matrial. so yes they are basicly the same just one takes standard blade and one takes tapered blades.

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i think it all in your head...nothing would really give you a better shot(well okay...maybe 5% better) I mean...i do get a R2XN10 becaus eit was suppose to shot rocket...well i dont shot better with it than my Z-buble or my CYCLONE...or my L-2...it all mental

That may be the case for you but my goalie used to ask me not to use my "yellow stick" when I was on the other team during pickup games. There are some sticks that just seem to act differently in my hands, the R2XN10 is one of them.

I second that. My response xn10 shaft shoots much better than my cyclone, or any of my 5030's. Now i just ogtta test out that RL I just got...

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i think i had my hardest shots for a shaft + blade with my UL+Vapor V blade combo, now that launched rockets. But a Bauer 6000 puts that to shame.

Edit: Funny thing is that ive owned 1 synergy and 1 response(yellow) and A Vapor V one piece, i had my hardest shots with the Vapor V which is a Price Point, have yet to try a vapor XX so that may change.

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