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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst hockey team logos...

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You know, the Lewiston logo looks a lot better in-person. I have a knitted hat with that on it, and it looks great.

I see them play every few weeks and it hurts my eyes to look at...

pantherfan- that isn't good enough for clip art

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As a big RHI fan growing up, I liked the Anaheim Bullfrogs and NJ Rockin' Rollers but disliked the tribal theme of the other two listed (Buffalo and Vancouver.)

I always thought the Macon Whoopee was pretty damn funny...then I grew up and realized that most people have never heard the slang term "whoopee".

St. Louis University: It's not a Grinch, it's a BILLIKEN! Wait....what the hell is a Billiken?!?

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it'd be nice on a practice jersey or fan apparel but that would kind of be embarassing to plan in! :lol:

I'd play in a plaid skirt if it meant I was playing pro. Hmm, plaid pant shells......

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