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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my Christmas present a bit early this year....

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Congrats, Fletch.

Your life will never be the same once you have a child- In a good way...At least that is what they tell me.

Theo has it right. Your life will never be the same and it gets harder as they get older, but I'm loving it. Congratulations!

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congrats missconduct and fletch

Theyre not in anyway married ;)......Your thinking of netminder and missconduct

Anyway, Congrats Fletch! If anything, that will be the best x-mas present you ever recieve :)

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Congratulations Fletch!!!

Hopefully be hearing that name around the rink some day

(what are you thinking for names for a boy/girl?)

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Thanks for the well wishes, everybody! We really appreciate it :)

And yeah, it's our first (we got married last April) and we are excited beyond belief! I'll make sure post some pics come July.

Oh, and my Wife didn't necessarily like the fact that I posted an internal pic of her uterus on the internet, so I had to remove it.....hehe. Whoops.

Again, thanks everyone! Have a Merry Christmas/Hanakuah/Kwanzaa!

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Congratulations Fletch!!!

Hopefully be hearing that name around the rink some day

(what are you thinking for names for a boy/girl?)


As far as names go:

Boy - Ryan Patrick

Girl - Keira Grace

We should know if it's going to be a boy or girl in the next 8 weeks or so when we go for the next ultrasound :)

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I am playing pond hockey with my kids this winter...no better feeling and lasting memory.

Hope you get to enjoy the same experience some day!

im not a dad yet but i played pond hockeyw ith my dad once ,it was great ,i always hear abotu his great skating and such and i finally got to see.... he owned me

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