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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Stix Patterns

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Here are pictures of pro patterns that came across, wood and composite, OPS and RB.

I searched for similar topix and could not find them. Decided to post them here.


More coming...

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Great pics. What is it with Europeans and toe curves? Alot of the Czechs and Slovaks have toe curves.

Looking at Avery's stick makes me...want to say something really stupid.

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Thanks 10^6 for this poster, keep em coming, and can these please be added to the pattern db chadd, jr?

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primo post dude, yah some of these curves are really nice whihc ever company makes those curves should consider adding them to the retail type sticks cuz its all different types and lies

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Thanks 10^6 for this poster, keep em coming, and can these please be added to the pattern db chadd, jr?

Most likely no.

For the most part, people don't reference the pattern DB and even when some do they still ask the same questions anyway. Adding the hundreds of pro patterns that we have pics for would be a lot of work and not really provide much benefit.

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Ruutu used to use the P27 "draby" pattern, not sure if he still doies. ill add to this soon,

put a tapered toe on that zednik and youve got Brind"Amour

Look on the first page Buzz for Ruutu's. I thought Ruutu's curve looked familiar. It looks like Rucchin uses the Darby/P27 also.

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