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Mission Intake Helmet

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Found this on a Czech online sports store after a Google search if anyone is interested and can't wait until they come out here in NA.


Seems to work out to about 175Cdn or 150USD

I don't speak Czech so I don't know how much shipping is or if they will even ship to NA but I thought I'd share it anyway :rolleyes:

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Nice find, there are some really good pictures in there if you click on the picture.

Honestly, it doesn't look that much different than the 5000/8000/HC100/1052, etc

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Looks like they used a lot of the same concepts used in the Bauer 8000. Plus, the helmet even looks similar to the 8000 from some angles.

I would just buy one of the outgoing models (Bauer, Itech, Jofa) as you will probably get the same for much less.

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Mision Intake is by far the best fit in a helmet I have ever worn. (used it in last couple of games) Fit is larger by size than Itech 100 or Bauer 5000. I wore a Med in Bauer and Itech fit small Intake perfectly in the new Mission. It also vents the heat as promised, even on the bench it was cooler. The lock in the occipital area of the helmet doesn't require adjustment and rests comforably in place with no undo pressure exerted. Padding feels great with not a pressure point anywhere. Does not feel as heavy as the Itech 100 or 5000 either.

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Mision Intake is by far the best fit in a helmet I have ever worn. (used it in last couple of games) Fit is larger by size than Itech 100 or Bauer 5000. I wore a Med in Bauer and Itech fit small Intake perfectly in the new Mission. It also vents the heat as promised, even on the bench it was cooler. The lock in the occipital area of the helmet doesn't require adjustment and rests comforably in place with no undo pressure exerted. Padding feels great with not a pressure point anywhere. Does not feel as heavy as the Itech 100 or 5000 either.

Does it fit for wider or narrower heads?

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Looks way different than the hc100 I had, on the inside, the head-lock is for protecting where the spinal cord connects with the head right?

the head lock is for fit, it basically fits the helmet onto the occipital bone, at the base of your skull. this helps keep the helmet from rotating as well as preventing the up/down motion of a helmet (pivoting)

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About the shell: only the front piece is new. The back shell is same as Itech HC 100! The interior padding is very well done. RBK 8K is in for retail competition since RBK will be 50% more at retail. I am talking pro helmet vs pro helmet, not 6K helmet.

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About the shell: only the front piece is new. The back shell is same as Itech HC 100! The interior padding is very well done. RBK 8K is in for retail competition since RBK will be 50% more at retail. I am talking pro helmet vs pro helmet, not 6K helmet.

6k helmet?

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An 8K with less features...scaled down and cheaper

i'm guessing no tool-less adjustment or that dial that narrows the helmet? i found that air-flow diagram for the intak really interesting. is it actually possible to manage airflow that well inside of a helmet through the padding?

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About the shell: only the front piece is new. The back shell is same as Itech HC 100! The interior padding is very well done. RBK 8K is in for retail competition since RBK will be 50% more at retail. I am talking pro helmet vs pro helmet, not 6K helmet.

Many pros still use the B3000 and 652's. From what I saw of the 6K, the inside is essentially the same as the 8k, same padding/protection/comfort/lightness. The outer shell is the same design. Big difference is the subshell is not carbon, and it has no adjustment fit. I envision it will retail near $99, so it's definately not a bottom end helmet, just a more affordable choice than the 8k, without some bells and whistles.

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I like the helmet alot, but I can't understand why they used the same back plate. The front looks very modern and has 4 vents, however the back only has 2 small vents and looks dated. I still think that it's the nicest looking helmet. I don't like the RBK 8K. The Bauer 8000 has grown on me though. That Hefter (future CCM) helmet looks really cool too.

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