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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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buddy....ever heaar of joking?

i think half the suff on my myspace page is just fun stuff

i suck at snowboarding...i just started this year...i got good enough at skiing i wanted to switch....i do rock at hockey....i love hockey....girls say im handsome

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Am I the only one without a myspace?

Nope :D

lol, i guess there are 2 people wihtout myspace's

come on, get bit by the myspace bug...its free

make it 3 :D

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Am I the only one without a myspace?

Nope :D

lol, i guess there are 2 people wihtout myspace's

come on, get bit by the myspace bug...its free

make it 3 :D

how old are you all?

it seems everyone around here has one if they are 12-21

do u have xenga or facebook?

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I love all the people who think that alexander ovechkin myspace is really him... all the girls who say "I love you! Write me back!" and the guys who say "Crosby is better than you." My oh my. I think myspace is definitely the thing for teens these days, especially when you're ready to off your underage girlfriends parents -- make sure you have a myspace first!!

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Don't forget about turning it into a suicide note like one kid in CA did.

If you ever visit ytmnd.com and search for myspace......there are some pretty morbid but funny sendups of that kid.

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What exactly happend with this suicide?

Kid posted a MySpace bulletin with his parents' address and instructed people to call the police and to look in the bathroom.

If you're bored, you can probably google it and find some local papers who did a story on it. Pretty lame, albeit I can admit I was pretty lame at 17 as well.

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Don't forget about turning it into a suicide note like one kid in CA did.

If you ever visit ytmnd.com and search for myspace......there are some pretty morbid but funny sendups of that kid.

The one with the song from that fey Quebec pop "punk" band makes me lawl.

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Can anyone help me out in the spacing of text part of all this business. I have a scrollbar for my music, and I want it to go like this:


band name

band name

etc etc

band name

band name


etc etc

Instead, it just comes out like this

[a] band name band name band name band name

I just want the text to be on separate lines, and I honestly can't find anything out there that lets you do that... thanks

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MySpace blows. It's pointless.

I don't have it but 20-25 kids at my school just got busted for underage drinking cuz of pictures on MySpace of them drinking. It's their dumbasses' faults for having the pics of drinking on it, but still...

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