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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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06' Mission sticks

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Never. Mission decided that it is in their best interest to stop selling equipment at the retail level. Strictly for pros baby...

JR...you cant be for real?

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Never.  Mission decided that it is in their best interest to stop selling equipment at the retail level.  Strictly for pros baby...

JR...you cant be for real?

Stock, my man...JR is bustin' on ya. I'll cut all the nasty, wise-ass remarks and just get to the point...

Most, if not all manufacturers release new products in the Spring. So 06 stuff is due out roughly around late March, early April, maybe a little later. On some rare occasions, stuff leaks out a little earlier than that.

But as a simple rule of thumb, and so you don't have to annoy JR with release questions..."It comes out in the Spring".

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96...thanks I know I can count on you for info....JR, I already had a nasty post for Mission lined up LOL, I wont ask ya about when equipment is coming out again...Thanks for the info

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Has any used a pulse yet? I realize they don't come out till "SPRING" but has anyone used a sample or pro stock? My question is does it have a super low connection point (true ops, stealth or whatever you want to call them)? I had a hex-1 for a couple of weeks and sold it because I didn't like the super low connection! Does anyone if it the same for the pulse?

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JR -> RB?

Know there been some talk about a possible realease of the VDS as a replacement blade (Taper, Standard?) around here, but have so far viewed it as wishfull thinking, know I have :rolleyes:

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Know there been some talk about a possible realease of the VDS as a replacement blade (Taper, Standard?) around here, but have so far viewed it as wishfull thinking

JR, Is your blade a custom/prostock cause they arn't in the 06 catalog? Have you spoken/know anyone who has used the pulse?

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Know there been some talk about a possible realease of the VDS as a replacement blade (Taper, Standard?) around here, but have so far viewed it as wishfull thinking

JR, Is your blade a custom/prostock cause they arn't in the 06 catalog? Have you spoken/know anyone who has used the pulse?

They were probably a last minute addition for 06'.

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Know there been some talk about a possible realease of the VDS as a replacement blade (Taper, Standard?) around here, but have so far viewed it as wishfull thinking

JR, Is your blade a custom/prostock cause they arn't in the 06 catalog? Have you spoken/know anyone who has used the pulse?

I don't know if this is pertinent, but i keep seeing Khavanoc (#25) on the Leafs, and one or two others with a white tapered shaft and black blade. Is this the VDS blade?

I don't know what the shaft is. Since the Hex is the only white stick in the 06 lineup, an 06 hex made into a shaft? Or a painted L-2? Thing is none of the tapered blades are black <_<

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Know there been some talk about a possible realease of the VDS as a replacement blade (Taper, Standard?) around here, but have so far viewed it as wishfull thinking

JR, Is your blade a custom/prostock cause they arn't in the 06 catalog? Have you spoken/know anyone who has used the pulse?

Correct, just prostock blades.

It is not being offered at retail.

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Know there been some talk about a possible realease of the VDS as a replacement blade (Taper, Standard?) around here, but have so far viewed it as wishfull thinking

JR, Is your blade a custom/prostock cause they arn't in the 06 catalog? Have you spoken/know anyone who has used the pulse?


It is not being offered at retail.

stop teasing us :(

lucky you :P

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Custom One90 skates. This was posted about a week ago, not anything really new for someone that reads I guess.

I thought he was talking about something being done with Mission

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The axis was just on epuck, and now it's not. All within a matter of five minutes...what gives??

It was cheeeeap though. $69...replacing the Z1?

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I've seen the M-1 and M-2 prices coming down a lot lately. In fact I'm thinking about getting an M-2 as a back up shaft. I'm currently an UltraLight user...I guess I'm not happy unless I'm using yesterday's equipment. It's a lot easier on the wallet that's for sure! B)

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