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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New NHL Team Logos 06/07

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I am going through the RBK 2006 Holiday Apparel catalog and believe it or not, beside the Ducks having a new look, get ready for this: so will the Bruins!! They also list the Capitals as "TBA" but except for AO, the Caps I don't get too excited about. Boston changing again is nuts. Bring back the vintage Orr/Esposito jerseys of the early 70s. That is what the Bs should always wear.

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these last 3 posts were awesome!!! I thought my post was good but you guys hammered it home! :lol: :lol:

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So, only the Bruins, Capitals and Ducks will have new logos? Or are there any others?

I'm predicting the Bruins to go back to an older version of the Spoked B logo.

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The talk locally here (DC) is the caps will be changing the colour scheme too. I know a lot of people wanted to go back to the old school Jersey, I don't think they will, but the red/white is being discussed as the most likely new colours

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The talk locally here (DC) is the caps will be changing the colour scheme too. I know a lot of people wanted to go back to the old school Jersey, I don't think they will, but the red/white is being discussed as the most likely new colours

I liked the ones that Tommy Hilfiger designed a few years ago and was leaked, then pulled.

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I heard Buffalo was bringing back this...


Buffalo is going back to the blue and gold.

But, it's going to be an updated B&G and not the old logo from what I've gathered.

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I heard Buffalo was bringing back this...


Buffalo is going back to the blue and gold.

But, it's going to be an updated B&G and not the old logo from what I've gathered.

Y-u-c-k! Best move they ever made was getting away from the Rams colors. I love the Red, White, Black and I think they have one of the cooler logos in the NHL. Better than alot of the other eyesores out there. Then again, as long as they don't pick colors like the friggin Thrasher'ss ocular vomit, I'll be ok with it. Guess I need to pick up my current-day R/W/B Sabres jerseys while I can.

Thanks for the heads up,


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Are leauge team is using the Sabers away jersey's....the Black,red,white and silver are awesome. I DON'T KNOW WHY THEY WOULD WANT TO CHANGE COLORS OR LOGO.


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