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Why do some people only tape half thier blade?

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I've always wondered, why do some people only tape half their blade or only tape the toe of their blades or something? Why not just tape the entire blade?

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I just tape the middle of the stick. I was just raised doing it that way. I have taped up my entire blade a few times and didn't notice much of a difference, so I just assume save some tape. A few of my team mates tape up the entire stick with several layers.. I think it comes down to personal preference.

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I heard that some players who handle the puck a lot only tape the toe because when stick handling they get a better feel of the bare wooden blade as opposed to it being covered with tape?

I noticed it's only mostly forwards who do this.

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I thought it was because when you handle the puck, it should really only touch the from midpoint to the toe. No need to waste tape with the back end...or so that's what I though

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i end the tape job at different lengths to see how shooting is effected with tape on or off the heel of the blade, but i usually tape over the toe to get a feel when i need to flick the puck in the air. using a square blade, taping over the heel helped me with the small flicks which didnt feel right at first

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I tape the middle to toe cos I usually stickhandle with at that area of the blade more than any other place.

I tape the bottom of the heel to protect it from wear-and-tear.

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I heard that some players who handle the puck a lot only tape the toe because when stick handling they get a better feel of the bare wooden blade as opposed to it being covered with tape?

I noticed it's only mostly forwards who do this.

keep in my mind a lot of the good stickhandlers who only tape the toe of the blade have toe curves (kovalev, havlat, hossa, spezza) maybe it helps them identify when the puck is in the curve of their stick

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I shoot slapshots off the mid-heel, so I want no cushioning there.

I do the same thing. My whippy stick has a lot of tape on it, and the stick that I use on d has very little (1 layer, mid blade).

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I thought it was because when you handle the puck, it should really only touch the from midpoint to the toe. No need to waste tape with the back end...or so that's what I though

I saw a stick handling video (it was alink from here, but I don't remember who) that siad you should stick handle from the heel to mid point...is that true???

To the point about tape...I suppose, the more tape...the more weight you add to a stick. If you are willing to pay $250-300 to lose 5-10 grams, why load the blade with tape and add the weight back.

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I heard that some players who handle the puck a lot only tape the toe because when stick handling they get a better feel of the bare wooden blade as opposed to it being covered with tape?

I noticed it's only mostly forwards who do this.

keep in my mind a lot of the good stickhandlers who only tape the toe of the blade have toe curves (kovalev, havlat, hossa, spezza) maybe it helps them identify when the puck is in the curve of their stick

add kovalchuk to that list

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I thought it was because when you handle the puck, it should really only touch the from midpoint to the toe. No need to waste tape with the back end...or so that's what I though

I saw a stick handling video (it was alink from here, but I don't remember who) that siad you should stick handle from the heel to mid point...is that true???

it depends on the curve you use, as well as how you personally like to stickhandle. i find with a toe curve, i stick handle more towards the heel, but when i have a big mid curve, i use the toe a lot more

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I usually do either Dany Heatley style about 3 inches of tape in the middle... or go from the middle to about .5 inch from the toe. I decide whether to do either one depending on how many points with each i've had :P

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