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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kariya's stick

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I noticed that this year Kariya has switched his stick. He's always used an Easton Ultra lite with a carbon blade, but it looks like he changed to a one piece.

I'm sure its an Easton, is it a stealth?

(Don't ask my why I dwell on these things, but I love to see what type of equipment my favorite players use)

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yup he used and easton Ultra lite graphite blade since they first came out in 1995 (95 % sure :D )

I believe Easton made him a mold for his blade since back in the day he was an Easton poster boy during his SoCal Duck days.

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Haven't seen any pop up to buy, because regardless of flex I'd take one, but last weekend a guy on the other team had one. It's sharp, definitely a scheme Easton should have used.

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Does Kariya wear 8090's now? I thought he still wore 5000's or whatever he has wore for years. He's always had those black tuuks though.

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Does Kariya wear 8090's now? I thought he still wore 5000's or whatever he has wore for years. He's always had those black tuuks though.

Whatever they are, they're pretty crazy, 8090 with plastic outsole and uncovered toe. Also it looks like he has a really high tendon guard.

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haha actually i found pro stock easton synergys witha kariya curve

There´s been tons of these around left and right handed but he never used Synergies anyway.

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I had a Kariya curve back with a was a wee gapper, love it. Plus it was completely legal.

Can't find any now, but I have a Smyth curve that is legal and close enough to my old Kariya curve.

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Ultra Lights have definitely stood the test of time. They may not be sexy, but in my opinion they're the best all around performer at a reasonable price.

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you know what i wouldnt mind, a nice pro stock z carbon, lie 6 maybe YP, KP, or even a mid like iggy or sakic, hell id take inno/warrior but in a lie 6

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Ultra Lights have definitely stood the test of time. They may not be sexy, but in my opinion they're the best all around performer at a reasonable price.

I agree. I love my Ultra Lites. I never worry about breaking them even when I'm getting hacked like the other guy is chopping firewood.

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I know that the blade at times was blank (and apparently Innovative) and now it has Easton branding on it. So did Kariya ever use Innovative, or where they blank Easton blades?

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I personally had trouble telling the difference between my Inno and Pro Z-carb blades. The weave has a bit of similarity and I've got a blank one in the backroom (YP) that someone said was Inno, and very well could be, but matches up exactly to my Pro Z-Carb weare/T-Flex weave.

Also, Kariya tried out the Synergy gold Grip the firsty year it came out, about 20 games I believe, then switched back to his Ultra Lite.

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I could be wrong, but I think I saw Kariya with a Typhoon at one point of this season. I don't know if its just a dressed up ultra-lite but im almost positive it said typhoon on it.

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I personally had trouble telling the difference between my Inno and Pro Z-carb blades. The weave has a bit of similarity and I've got a blank one in the backroom (YP) that someone said was Inno, and very well could be, but matches up exactly to my Pro Z-Carb weare/T-Flex weave.

Also, Kariya tried out the Synergy gold Grip the firsty year it came out, about 20 games I believe, then switched back to his Ultra Lite.

ahhhh id give a toe for some rh t-flex graphites, or as you said the the non taper t-flex weave graphite blades

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the old Easton retail Kariya/Zhamnov pretty close to Kariya's pro pattern? Looks-wise, profile-wise, it kinda does if my memory serves me right.

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I believe Easton made him a mold for his blade since back in the day he was an Easton poster boy during his SoCal Duck days.

He actually had a mold with them dating back to his days at University of Maine.

He was one of the very first players to have a custom graphite pattern with Easton.

Why would Easton make up an extremely expensive custom graphite blade mold for a player still in college? Kariya was at Maine until 94 and the Ultra lite graphite blades did not hit retail until mid 95. I know that Hull wanted Easton to make him a custom graphite pattern immediately upon seeing these blades but that Easton intially refused. I understand Hull offered to pay for the mold!

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