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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mismatching equipment

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Anyone ever seen a pro player (or any player for that matter) with mismatching equipment? I guess one black and one white holder is rare but not unheard of, but in the picture below is an example of a really weird combination, I'm talking about the player in yellow. This guy (who plays in the SEL) has been doing this all season long, and I have no idea why. Anyone seen anything similar?


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Or maybe one has less protection (more mobility) on the wrist than the other?

I would put my money on that too, i've seen adam oates do that, having gloves form two different companies. I would guess its for mobility

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wes walz wears one eagle, and one MIA glove. forgot which on which hand tho.

Are you sure? I just looked on GettyImages, and it looks like he uses two different MIA gloves...which is also kind of wierd :huh:

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I want one of those black/Yellow Koho Revolution OPS.Even when the yellow one was out it was nearly impossible to find around here and online,in the curve I wanted .All I could ever find was the Jagr curve.

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wes walz wears one eagle, and one MIA glove. forgot which on which hand tho.

Are you sure? I just looked on GettyImages, and it looks like he uses two different MIA gloves...which is also kind of wierd :huh:

Well i have seen him wearing sometimes an Easton/TPS but only once the same MIA just different cuff color. One green one gold. Never Eagle/MIA

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when chelios broke his wrist and had a cast on it he wore easton on the good hand and eagle on hte bad hand. it was during the 99 or 01 playoffs.

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my friend does it with his gloves. think its right side eagles and left sherwood gloves, could be switched around though. asked him why he just says each hand has its own purposes that it needs to be able to do freely or something like that.So he can stick handle better with eagles and move his other hand up and down the stick better with sherwoods?

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I used to play with different gloves and different elbow pads.

I used a special made glove for my bottom hand because I broke it playing and I didnt tell anyone until it had already re-set.

Same thing with elbow pads. I wanted something with more coverage for my bottom hand.

Works for me.

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Isn't that the idea with thr Mission Warp Sub Zero gloves from a few years back. They are differnet based on what hand you are. The bottom hand (Left for me) has the padding/cuff rolled to the front....while the top (right) has the cuff more on the back.

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That was the idea but hockey players were a bit slow to figure it out! Sorry, those gloves were bow-wow dogs in my shop. Glad when they were gone via good old ebay.

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That was the idea but hockey players were a bit slow to figure it out! Sorry, those gloves were bow-wow dogs in my shop. Glad when they were gone via good old ebay.

I love mine...the fact that I paid $29.99 (Clearance) and they still had the $149.00 price tag on them when they arrived has something to do with it though.

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That was the idea but hockey players were a bit slow to figure it out! Sorry, those gloves were bow-wow dogs in my shop. Glad when they were gone via good old ebay.

That's why most of the really revolutionary products bomb. Most people can only handle incremental changes or improvements in products.

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It might be a quick way to feel out new equipment as well. You know see which one feels , performs and protects the best in actual playing conditions.

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There's a picture in a Gretzky book I have of Charlie Huddy wearing two different skates. One looks like a pre-heel wedge tacks, and the other is a tack with the heel wedge, although it's got paint or protec toe on it to make the boot all black. Strange.

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