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How to get custom OPS?

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Does anyone know if it's possible to get a custom OPS with your own pattern, if you want for example 12 sticks custom made? What companies/brands offer this service and how much do they charge? How do you actually do it, do you send in a sample of your preferred curve, and where do you send it? Any information you might have about this is welcome.

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MIAsports is the only company I know of.

Mia Inferno is around 435g's and available in grip/non-grip 85/100/110 with your custom curve.

Besides that only the Sheerwood Momentum OPS, but's it's very pricey and hard to order.

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MIAsports is the only company I know of.

Mia Inferno is around 435g's and available in grip/non-grip 85/100/110 with your custom curve.

Besides that only the Sheerwood Momentum OPS, but's it's very pricey and hard to order.

MIA do custom sticks? :o :o

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MIAsports is the only company I know of.

Mia Inferno is around 435g's and available in grip/non-grip 85/100/110 with your custom curve.

Besides that only the Sheerwood Momentum OPS, but's it's very pricey and hard to order.

MIA do custom sticks? :o :o

Mhm. They look pretty nice too

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Easton will do custom sticks, if you go to the right shop you can have any brand of custom OPS you just have to look around

What shop is that? One that sells Pro stock sticks and has the paint & labelmaker custom kit? :D

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Easton will do custom sticks, if you go to the right shop you can have any brand of custom OPS you just have to look around

I highly doubt that unless you are willing to pay thousands of dollars.

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Doesnt TPS do them?

I know you are able to order any of the Patterns they have on file,but I dont think you can have your own pattern.

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Doesnt TPS do them?

I know you are able to order any of the Patterns they have on file,but I dont think you can have your own pattern.

how much of an up-charge is there?

EDIT: does that also me you could order say pattern S-0196C but instead of it being S flex it be a regular flex?

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Doesnt TPS do them?

I know you are able to order any of the Patterns they have on file,but I dont think you can have your own pattern.

how much of an up-charge is there?

EDIT: does that also me you could order say pattern S-0196C but instead of it being S flex it be a regular flex?

Im pretty sure its the MSRP that you pay,no upcharge.I dont see why you couldnt change the flex.I think you have to get six if you need to get them made.

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Do not quote me on it but I am pretty sure Christian will make your custom curve for you if you buy so many. I also think they will keep it on file for you so you can just call them up then and they can pull it up for you. But I don’t know for sure. If I am wrong please correct me.

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Do not quote me on it but I am pretty sure Christian will make your custom curve for you if you buy so many. I also think they will keep it on file for you so you can just call them up then and they can pull it up for you. But I don’t know for sure. If I am wrong please correct me.

They don't do custom composites

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one of my friends got some responses done, with his own curve, that was a while ago though, and i dont kwo if tps still does that

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Easton does do custom and no their not thousands of dollars my friend has custom eastons from a shop in Canada

what shop is this? i would be interested getting some custom blades by easton

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Doesnt TPS do them?

I know you are able to order any of the Patterns they have on file,but I dont think you can have your own pattern.

They must have so many patterns that you're bound to find one real close to what you want. And if you can get it any flex, that'd be a pretty sweet deal.

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Have not posted here in a long, long while..

Best bet would most probably be to call up your preffered major stick companies and ask them over the phone how you would go about having this process done and what you would be looking at cost wise..

Just my 2 cents.

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Ok Im not trying to jack the thread but it would be silly to creat a new one since it's relativley the same topic, but Im looking into ordering some SOP's from Sherwood. I looked all over google and on here but I found nothing that helped me. My question is, how abouts do I order them. Can I do it online or does it have to be done by phone. Also, what are my options with them. Thanks.

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This whole concept is why I got into pro return sticks to begin with.

You think retail patterns are bad now? Oh my go back to the mid 80's with the crap they had then!

Short answer there are many places to get pro return sticks so unless you are a pro thats probably your best bet. The argument against this is that you wont be able to get a pro pattern you like for the long haul. True but I also believe its good to change your pattern from time-to-time as it keeps your shot honest. What I mean by this is that sometimes you get so use to a pattern your shot gets "flat." Going to a new pattern / learning it has you pay a bit more attention to your shot style / follow-through.

Thats the way it works for me anyhow.

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