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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Kick A** stick from Reebok JOFA?

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Hi all,

Run in to the local representative of Reebok JOFA in Stockholm/Globen the other day and got some inside hints on what's coming up for the season 06/07. Reebok JOFA will apparently market a stick that will set a new industrial standard and introduce a new thinking, when it comes to industrial design and thinking in terms of hockey sticks.

As I understood it will be a one-piece stick made primarily of light-weight Duraluminium* What's truly an evidence of some revolutionary thinking, is the spring mechanisn that are inserted in the shaft. This mechanism in combination with the stiffness/flexilibity ratio of Duraluminium, will give every player the ability to drastically improve the velocity of their shots. So if I understood this JOFA rep. correctly, one only has to twist the bolt in the spring mechamisn, in order to get the desired flex, which is great when you think about it IMHO. No more juniour or senoir OPS, just "one stick "that follows you trough your hockey career. In short, if I again understood the info correctly is that we might have a OPS that's adjustable for most needs over a prolonged period of time, like a Swiss Army Knife when it comes to sticks sort off.

The only downside, will be the price, 3.500 SEK (roughly 450 USD ), but then again, one have to weigh the cost to the expected life span.

So what do you guys think? Will this stick be a hit or not? Sorry but we didn't have time to chat about what blade patterns would be included but my guess is that the "regular ones" is to be expexted in the first series. Name of the OPS will apparently be, surpsrise.... drum roll.....""Ovechkin" :blink:

*Same alloy found on the 4th generation fighter SAAB JAS 39 Gripen/Griffon



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cough cough its april 1st, didnt jr announce heated electronic skates that heat the ice and make you skate faster and have more glide last year?

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No I'm not on crack or any other kind of narcotics. But I sure could need some of that crap since you don't seem to believe me :( What you yanks don't realize is that Swedish egineers are famous for their unorthodox thinking, like the turretless tank, Strv 103 (see below) So why shouldn't we be able to come up with an idea like this without being on drugs?????? My precious feelings are hurt :(


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No I'm not on crack or any other kind of narcotics. But I sure could need some of that crap since you don't seem to believe me :( What you yanks don't realize is that Swedish egineers are famous for their unorthodox thinking, like the turretless tank, Strv 103 (see below) So why shouldn't we be able to come up with an idea like this without being on drugs?????? My precious feelings are hurt :(


Great invention as long as the bad guys are always directly in front of you.

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Does that tank have a turret?

no, it doesn't. a turret makes the take taller, and the taller the tank, the easier it is to see. therefore, a turretless short tank is easier to hide in the forests of sweden, except you can't fire the cannon unless you are stopped and you can't aim unless you turn the whole tank.

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what if you had to cut the stick down? wouldn't you cut into the bolt that adjusts the flex? don't plan on this stick hitting the market for a long long time.

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If this is a joke. I say that we we are all now dumber for reading this thread and may god have mercy on our souls for wasting our time on this.

On the other hand..... If this is true. Lets see some pictures. Whats next adjustable curves?

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Well as most people understood it was a April Fools joke. Hopefully a few of you found it amusing. I did :lol:

Re Chadd

As for the Strv 103 it was designed to face the Soviet threat during the Cold war era. It was very agile and the main tactics was to use the mounted dozer blade to dig in, fire a few salvos, regroup and make another hole and so on. Another advantage with being turretless in combination with it's "small" size, was that it was more manouverable in our dense forests, which is a tricky/diffucult terrain for a standard MBT to operate in regards to manouverability.

But again when you just see the 103 for the first time, without knowing it's design history etc it's easy to think "Boy, wonder what those engineers was smoking"



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No, I knew this was an April Fool's joke when the guy posted a pic a Swedish tank and said Swedes are known for their unorthadox thinking...cuz everyone knows Swedes are Neutral and don't even fight in wars, damn pu$$ies.

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In Major League Baseball they have rules about the kind of bat you can use. I wonder if something similar will ever happen for hockey sticks?

(Speaking of materials of course...we all know there are NHL rules for stick dimensions.)

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No, I knew this was an April Fool's joke when the guy posted a pic a Swedish tank and said Swedes are known for their unorthadox thinking...cuz everyone knows Swedes are Neutral and don't even fight in wars, damn pu$$ies.

that's actually the Swiss

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Good joke. How would an 8 year old get his hands around this senior shaft and is it like a nigthstick does it shrink and get bigger? hahaha good joke

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No, I knew this was an April Fool's joke when the guy posted a pic a Swedish tank and said Swedes are known for their unorthadox thinking...cuz everyone knows Swedes are Neutral and don't even fight in wars, damn pu$$ies.

that's actually the Swiss

Swedes have been pretty much neutral in foreign wars since the 1700s.

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No, I knew this was an April Fool's joke when the guy posted a pic a Swedish tank and said Swedes are known for their unorthadox thinking...cuz everyone knows Swedes are Neutral and don't even fight in wars, damn pu$$ies.

that's actually the Swiss

Swedes have been pretty much neutral in foreign wars since the 1700s.

Are you for real or are you trolling you shit??? Exactly what have our forces been doing in Afghanistan for instance. The US Admin. asked for our help and we went and still are there. Then we have the Balkans, The Congo war etc etc. As for us not having been engaged in any major war since the 1700's, read up on our history you ignorant fuck.

It's easy being a tough guy behind the screen labeling my countrymen and thus myself as pussies. But get over here and tell that our faces and see what happens. Unlike in the US military service is mandatory here, so when the shit hits the fan, it's people like myself that are called up to the dirty work. But in your case it's so damn easy to yell for war when you got nothing to sacrifice. Like I said tell it our face retard.

I normally don't knee jerk on the web, with so many assholes out there. But in this case I will allow myself the exception. My grandfather was a volunteer in Finland, The winter war and the US - Swe mil. co-operation has always been tight , with your Navy hiring our sub Gotland and so on ad infinitum. I know this #96 character is a minority, since most Americans are stand up guys but no fucking way I'm gonna co-exist with an individual like #96. That's just too much.

So Admin please delete my account here ASAP. I don't take country bashing lightly as you might understand.

Thank you.

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