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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey wash

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I own a Sani-Sport machine. Have had it for nearly 4 yrs now. IMO it works great at killing bacteria/odors, yet doesn't damage the equipment at all. The process is quick, about 15 minutes. I charge $19.99 for a full set of equipment. My customers love it. I love it. I'm one of those guys who plays 4 times a week and doesn't ever take his stuff out of the bag. Personally, I do mine every 5-6 weeks. More importantly, my wife loves it. I can store my equipment in the back of the car and she doesn't even know its there. :D I have to say though, the wash type sanitizers work well too, however, they destroy or damage equipment. Plus, they leave the equipment partially wet, which becomes a haven for new bacteria to form. This is why someone had mentioned that the smells came back worse than before. Wet equipment, water trapped inside foams, causes more bacteria to grow. Not to mention rivits rusting, helmets screws rusting, and mold inside the equipment.

I admit, I'm biased toward Sani-Sport, but I did investigate the wash systems closely when I was considering them for my pro-shop. Too many negatives compared to the Sani-Sport.

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If i soaked my Gloves in water and detergent for couple hours and rinsed them out how long would they take to dry dya think?

BTW they are leather palms and have plastic inserts if that makes a difference

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Anyone else use any readily available sprays like Febreeze? 

I've been using that on my equipment for over a month and it seems to be good.  When I get home I just lay all the equipment out and give all the wet spots and skin contact spots a good spray with a non-odor Febreeze.

My equipment is all brand new so I've only had it for a couple months but I keep my gear in our bedroom and no complaint from the wife so far.

Your WIFE? Your gear must be really squeaky clean, because I wouldn't wish the smell of my gear on ANYONE! not even my roommate LOL.

Question: What about sunlight? Would laying my gear out in the sun for a few hours kill bacteria? My mom was a biologist and she said that sunlight was one of the most effective microbacterial killer around. Are there any cons? Is my science correct?

As I said, it's still pretty well all new equipment and I totally air it out overnight before I put it back in the bag. Ask me again in a few months where I store my gear! :rolleyes:

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If i soaked my Gloves in water and detergent for couple hours and rinsed them out how long would they take to dry dya think?

BTW they are leather palms and have plastic inserts if that makes a difference

It usually takes mine about 1 day. I use a fan to blow air into them too.

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My LHA has an Esporta system and I was actually pretty impressed with the results. My stuff came back clean with no visible damage... and most importantly, the cleanliness has stuck somewhat as there's only a mild funk coming from the pads as opposed to the usual full flavored aroma.

Also I'm not getting that lovely rash behind my knees I usually get from my shin straps so it must've killed some of that wacky bacteria.

In terms of gear coming out of the Esporta beat up, it probably can be effected by other variables like how much stuff the staff is throwing in their at once and how it is positioned in the device. I'd definitely spend the money to have it done again a few months down the road.

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Question: What about sunlight? Would laying my gear out in the sun for a few hours kill bacteria? My mom was a biologist and she said that sunlight was one of the most effective microbacterial killer around. Are there any cons? Is my science correct?

Though sunlight can kill some bacteria, alot of bacteria actually strive in hot conditions and grow better.

I would try different cleaners but its to expensive to do both

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I used to be a dive instructor. And trust me, the only thing which rivals hockey gear stink is scuba gear after a long stint in the water, then a long stint in the bag while still wet...Anyway, the stuff to use is called Sink the Stink. It can be found in most dive shops. Just fill your tub with water, add this stuff, and toss in the gear. I leave mine to soak for a while, then let it dry outside. works great. And, a lifetime supply of sink the stink costs about $10 US. We used this crap to clean our rental gear all the time.

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I used to be a dive instructor. And trust me, the only thing which rivals hockey gear stink is scuba gear after a long stint in the water, then a long stint in the bag while still wet...Anyway, the stuff to use is called Sink the Stink. It can be found in most dive shops. Just fill your tub with water, add this stuff, and toss in the gear. I leave mine to soak for a while, then let it dry outside. works great. And, a lifetime supply of sink the stink costs about $10 US. We used this crap to clean our rental gear all the time.

website from which we can order it?

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I used to be a dive instructor. And trust me, the only thing which rivals hockey gear stink is scuba gear after a long stint in the water, then a long stint in the bag while still wet...Anyway, the stuff to use is called Sink the Stink. It can be found in most dive shops. Just fill your tub with water, add this stuff, and toss in the gear. I leave mine to soak for a while, then let it dry outside. works great. And, a lifetime supply of sink the stink costs about $10 US. We used this crap to clean our rental gear all the time.

Hockey gear isn't designed to be submerged or soaked.

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I dipped my hockey gear into a hot tub filled with washing powder, anti-bacterial agent and Lynx (for that Masculine fragrance). Still smells great after 20 weeks!

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I used to be a dive instructor.  And trust me, the only thing which rivals hockey gear stink is scuba gear after a long stint in the water, then a long stint in the bag while still wet...Anyway, the stuff to use is called Sink the Stink. It can be found in most dive shops.  Just fill your tub with water, add this stuff, and toss in the gear.  I leave mine to soak for a while, then let it dry outside.  works great.  And, a lifetime supply of sink the stink costs about $10 US.  We used this crap to clean our rental gear all the time.

Hockey gear isn't designed to be submerged or soaked.

Would it be ok for Gloves?

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I used to be a dive instructor.  And trust me, the only thing which rivals hockey gear stink is scuba gear after a long stint in the water, then a long stint in the bag while still wet...Anyway, the stuff to use is called Sink the Stink. It can be found in most dive shops.  Just fill your tub with water, add this stuff, and toss in the gear.  I leave mine to soak for a while, then let it dry outside.  works great.  And, a lifetime supply of sink the stink costs about $10 US.  We used this crap to clean our rental gear all the time.

Hockey gear isn't designed to be submerged or soaked.

I would be willing to put this stuff (dilluted of course) in a spray bottle and spray down my gear before putting it in the sun. Just a thought.

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I used to dunk my stuff in the pool. Wnat ended up happening to my shinpads is that it disintigrated the stitching and it fell apart.

If anybody wants to dunk equipment (including gloves), stay away from chlorine or bleach because it will disintegrate your equipment. That is why I use a gentler soap / detergent, like Woolite or Murphy's Oil Soap.

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The big problem with submerging or washing you equipment is that regardless of how hard you try to dry it, water gets trapped inside, in the foams. Washed gear will then begin to wear at an accellerated rate. It wears faster than dry gear. In addition, wetness trapped inside creates conditions that mold and bacteria love. So while at first you may think your gear smells great, the hidden danger has yet to expose itself. Most manufactureres do not recommend washing gear.

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im going to have my results within the next week or so, i just have to get the media made when i get to school, so it should all be done by the next satruday or sunday. i am taking swabs of various areas of each piece of equipment, as well us under armour, towels, socks, and jersesy before and after norma washing. i will also do skates and helmet even though those items arent being washed, thanks for all the interest in the subject, in case you guys want further reading, the ottawa citizen published a report about the bacteria in equipment a few years ago

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When you're airing your funky equipment out, the best thing I've found to use is a mix of Wintergreen rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. You can find these at any corner drug store. Mix equal parts together and spray on liberally. This will help kill bacteria and will get rid of the smell. Of course, this is only a temporary fix, the best thing to do is to use SaniSport (or Esporta or another proven cleaning system).

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It pays to have a sister.....I found some of her hand sanitizer spray (not the gel) from like Bath and Body Works something. So it's like spraying scented alcohol on your equipment. Only problem with her stuff is that the guy next to me on the ice might think I'm fruity since I'd smell like flowers :-P

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