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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Top Stick Performers of 05...

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1. TPS Response XN10

2. Mission Hex-1

3. Bauer Fusion Elite wood stick

Had to be the first to put a woodie down, and it did perform well.

As for most anticipated:

1. Mission Pulse

2. Easton Stealth CNT

3. TPS Response Plus Armor

#1 Dolomite

#2 Stealth CNT

THose are your most anticipated, right? Because those for sure aren't '05 Sticks

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Suprisingly my endure is preforming well even though i never tryed any newer sticks it feels good to me. It out preforms my old synergy and its holding up well. Thank god i got it before they whent down to 67 flex.

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well, it wasnt an 05 stick, but i was given a starskie in 05.. so does that count?

if so, 1- Starskie, 2- Stealth

although... i couldnt find ANY stick that would work for me this year. by far the worst season ive ever had... not that its the sticks, obviously. but the luck wouldnt change either.

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Performance for who? The top 3 scorers in the NHL are using CCM sticks.

That does not mean ccm sticks are for everyone, i belive they get paid big bucks for using them.

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Because CCM sticks have terrible performance. They are great for durability, but lack feel. Plus the V130 was delayed forever because of their faulty blades.

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v130 aren't avail anywhere, theres no drury clone. i would love to get one but they're just of no avail.

why is the SL rated better than stealth and xxxlite's? SL is way cheaper than the other two

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v130 aren't avail anywhere, theres no drury clone. i would love to get one but they're just of no avail.

why is the SL rated better than stealth and xxxlite's? SL is way cheaper than the other two

If you take durability out of the equation the SL does have good performance.

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Because I couldn't sell CCM OPS worth a damn the year before in my shop! I didn't bother stocking CCM OPS in the shop this year because they were dogs. Woof-woof!

For me:

Vapor XXX. Great OPS (for me) and only model I used all season.

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Because I couldn't sell CCM OPS worth a damn the year before in my shop! I didn't bother stocking CCM OPS in the shop this year because they were dogs. Woof-woof!

For me:

Vapor XXX. Great OPS (for me) and only model I used all season.

Funny, we sold an equal number of CCM OPS as compared to the other brands. I will say the SL was the most popular, especially among the "minds full of mush." However now that the season is over, those same SL buyers are turned off to them and the bad rep for durability. Most folks aren't rich up here (unlike you "city" folks.) :D They want a more durable stick. The V110 and 120's fit the bill perfect. I think the 130 was a bit too pricy, even though many liked the feel.

We'll have to see about the 06 models.

More remarkable was the interest in the Salmings. I think I sold 80 plus of them. Unbelievable for a new company with little advertising and hype, and NHL exposure.

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I think with CCM OPS it was more about "feel" than durability. There blades felt too much like old ABS blades, not composite. As for us "rich city folk", Easton OPS were able to be reasonably priced at retail last year. The CCM OPS was the same or more $, so it was an easy buying decision to not buy a OPS at the same price point that didn't check out(pardon my double negative). I know its all about PP and some brands are just stronger in certain regions. BTW, the new Stealth retail prices will be sticker shock for my "rich city folk" when they finally arrive. I love Easton: they can turn a 12 month selling season into 6 months with their great delivery and production schedules. They will never change. Hockey is, at best, third in importance at that company with their multiple brands. Hockey will probably get pushed farther back now with Riddell helmet merger.

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If the CCM's have such crappy performance how come i see so many NHL players using them-- and i doubt they would give up performance for durablility.

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1) SL <<<<< no doubt in my mind.. (durability SUCKS a$$ tho..lol)

2) Warrior(inno) whatever ya wanna call em

3) .. last good stick was a synergy grip.. sooooooooo lol

sl would be perfect if they fixed that damn blade issue

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Good ? Pros have different needs in a OPS than Tommy Travel Player or Joe Beer League. Given a pro hockey player's strength, different brands will perform differently for them than you and I. Also, a pro could play with a Vapor VI OPS if he had to and get more out of it than we could. Their level of ability is a bit higher than ours. As a matter of fact, one of our travel team coaches is a former Providence College player who uses a Vapor VI! The guy has a slapshot that would rip your head off if it got in the way. Finally, as has been mentioned before, a lot of younger guys coming up from the AHL on emergency call-ups bring their CCM OPS with them as CCM is the "official supplier" to 99% of the AHL teams.

CCM OPS are strong in certain areas. Just ask jimmy who sells them all day long. My customers showed no interest in them when compared to Easton or Bauer OPS. Just PP in my neck of the woods.

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1) Salming G1 - great feel and perfect length for me without cutting or adding a butt end.

That was the only 05 stick I used and besides some scratches and nicks and a small chip on the toe of the blade it's still going strong so the durability for me has been very good. The other stick I've been using this year is a Nike Apollo and I also like that, but it's not an 05 model. Both of those sticks outperform the old pricepoint CCM Vector 100 I was using the year before. The Vector 100 is still in great condition so the durability is there, but when trying to use that in pickup games now I really notice that the feel is no where near as good as with the Salming G1 or Nike Apollo and my shots don't seem as hard.

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Because I couldn't sell CCM OPS worth a damn the year before in my shop! I didn't bother stocking CCM OPS in the shop this year because they were dogs. Woof-woof!

For me:

Vapor XXX. Great OPS (for me) and only model I used all season.

Funny, we sold an equal number of CCM OPS as compared to the other brands. I will say the SL was the most popular, especially among the "minds full of mush." However now that the season is over, those same SL buyers are turned off to them and the bad rep for durability. Most folks aren't rich up here (unlike you "city" folks.) :D They want a more durable stick. The V110 and 120's fit the bill perfect. I think the 130 was a bit too pricy, even though many liked the feel.

We'll have to see about the 06 models.

More remarkable was the interest in the Salmings. I think I sold 80 plus of them. Unbelievable for a new company with little advertising and hype, and NHL exposure.

I think the super thick blade and price tag on the V130 turned a lot of people off.

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If the CCM's have such crappy performance how come i see so many NHL players using them-- and i doubt they would give up performance for durablility.

Performance is personal prefrence. Alot more people are using the CCM V130 than the other two models, which is supposed to have better performance. CCM is also sponsoring the AHL and sponsored (maybe still is) the OHL. It forces people into their equipment and sticks, and some players just don't care. They like something, and just stick with it.

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