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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anybody else have company loyalty?

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What I mean to say is, does anybody find themselves buying a specific brand name of equipment without even looking at anything else. I have this strange obsession with having to have all my equipment the same company. I have RBK protective gear, then everything else is CCM. I'm currently looking for a new pair of gloves, and even though I've tried on some nice ones, I can't bring myself to buy anything other than CCM. This hang-up of mine carries over to other aspects of my life as well, such as having all Fender guitar gear, but I digress. Is anybody else like that, or am I just f**ked in the head?

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I have only ever owned CCM skates (although I have not been at the hockey game that long, so thats 2 pairs)

I also just changed to CCM gloves, the vectors are really comfortable, coming from the TPS glove, where I felt the thumb was just too short.

I like CCM gear, but don't know if its a loyalty thing, rather than feel, I tried a lot of gloves on before I got the CCMs and they just were the best for my range (XXX tried them on, but they are out of my range, amazing gloves though)

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i seem to change my skates companies often. But i did last year have my all easton phase, not just all easton, but all the same line

was the top line shoulder, elbow and legs, witht he shorts, easton skates, stealth stick, a silver easton neckguard, easton dont make a helmet so i wore the bauer 5000 helmet, and oakley mace gloves cause i just dont like easton gloves. since i have changed the shorts, new gloves and new skates so im not quite all one brand now

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That's the power of branding!

Some brand loyalists even tatoo corporate marks on to their skin. I don't think that's been done for hockey companies but I've seen Nike swooshes on ankles of runners, not to mention Harley Davidson.

Nothing wrong with some loyalty if the brand is delivering. Just make sure it doesn't get obsessive!

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I have very little company loyalty. Every new piece of gear I need gets analyzed on performance rather than brand. At one time, I had a CCM helmet, Mission Gloves, and Bauer Skates, because that was the combo I liked best. In fact, if I were pro and a company offered me an exclusive endorsement deal, it'd be hard to say yes because I'd be stuck wearing some gear I didn't like.

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The people that I work with think that have OCD. I know that's not the case, it's just some weird hangup that I have had as long as I can remember. It's not just hockey equipment either, I am that way with a lot of things. I guess I'm just a little mental.

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I've used Canstar/NBH skates since my 1st real pair nearly 30 years ago, they work for my wide high volume feet well...

always had a helmet by them as well..Sk600, SK2000 (4ever), HH4000/004

a lot of gloves/pants in there as well..

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I find with brand loyalty, for my customers anyway, it's mostly with skates. And it always goes back to what their dad had. Dad's pick the first pair of skates, if they had tacks, then by god, the kid's going to have tacks. That's why in my area, CCM and Bauer have 80% plus of the skate market. Our dads did not have Mission or Eastons. :D

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That's the power of branding!

Some brand loyalists even tatoo corporate marks on to their skin. I don't think that's been done for hockey companies but I've seen Nike swooshes on ankles of runners, not to mention Harley Davidson.

A watched a friend of mine do a ton of name brand tattooing on a guy 1 night. This guy got, Dodge, Plymouth, Mopar, Jeep, & Chrysler on his legs. These were big letters as well. The names were going all the way down his calves all the way around.

On equipment, I am most loyal to Easton and Mission. Shin & shoulder - Easton, I got Reebok elbows as they didn't have the Easton's in my size in stock. Mission is the only pant I have found that I like. They are just so comfortable that it will take a lot to get me to switch. I just got the L5's and they are the most mobile pants I have owned to date with excellent protection. Skates - I am waiting for my 1500C's right now and just got some Fuel XP 110's. My helmets are an Intake and a HC100 which are very similar. I may try out the Mission L7 gloves as they felt pretty good when I got some for a friend but I have 2 pairs of old Easton's. I got rid of the Eagle's I had gotten as a gift as I hated them.

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Jofa shin pads, that's as loyal as I get.

Right now I wear Graf 727s, Jofa shin and elbow pads, Tackla pants, Eagle gloves, Bauer helmet, and rarely wear Christian shoulder pads.

Sticks are all across the board.

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I am loyal to a point; if I liked a product in the past, I'll give the same manufacturer the first look on my next piece of gear. It's up to the manufacturer to hold the same level of quality or improve. I tend to support the people at the brand who make products that I like more than the name itself.

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I'm definitely loyal, unless the comfort or quality isn't there. That's why all of my equipment minus 2 or 3 pieces both forward and goalie are either Franklin or CCM. I even like the Franklin gloves so much that in mid November I went ahead and purchased 2 new pairs, even though the pair I was currenty wearing were only a year old with barely any wear.

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