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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just bought a pair of Electric Technicians really nice, the polarized editions are around 120.00 but the not polarized are like 85.00.

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Polarized Oakley Gascans....flat black.

I had a pair of those but lost them recently :(. Just bought a pair of white ones from my buddy though...my favorite glasses

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Does anyone else have a problem with sun glasses hurting your ear? It's only on my left ear, it's when the sunglass goes ontop of the ear bone, i guess it is, and after a while it gets a little painful. I was thinking of finding a little pad of some sort and sticking it on.

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Picked up a Heater lens for my M-Frames over the summer, polarized black iridium, lovely.

Puts me at;

XX- Black iridium polarized on matte frames

M-Frame black matte frame, gunmetal icons

Strike lenses- clear, VR28, gray

Heater lens- black irid. pol.

Anyone with M-Frames and the heater lens experience difficulty getting more than one lens into the array case? not the pro 1'x1' one but the smaller one that holds the glasses, 2 spare lenses, and a nosepiece.

I'll probably end up with a few more pairs from Oakley after I graduate, M-Frames don't go well with suits, need some wires.

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my first pair of nice sunglasses i bought a while ago, they were the white gascans, absolutely loved those, but EVERYONE has them.

then i was scouring ebay one day and found my new ones, my white spy trons with gold lenses. i looked hard anywhere and everywhere for these and got em! these are my favorite sunglasses ever!

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Just got some new additions and wanted to show them off.


Guess my favorite brand?

That's about $700-$750 worth of stuff, good thing I've paid less than $300 for all of it.

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My buddy was given a pair of juliets, the quality is outstanding. I thought the other wires were made well... compared to the juliets, they're crap.

Oakleys are overpriced, yes... but the quality on the metal frames and lenses are outstanding.

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Picked up some Smith Turntables. Had a pair of Methods before this but they were stolen, so I replaced those with these. Lovin the Smiths...


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My buddy was given a pair of juliets, the quality is outstanding. I thought the other wires were made well... compared to the juliets, they're crap.

Oakleys are overpriced, yes... but the quality on the metal frames and lenses are outstanding.

It pays to have friends who can get the discount. 50% off to government officials, armed service members, and law enforcement.

The M-frames are currently my go-to glasses. Clear for shop work and walking through blizzard, VR-28 for shooting, grey for mildly sunny days, black irid. polarized for water and sunny days. I like the update to the nosepiece on the lenses, but it makes changing them very difficult. I also can't get a spare lens in the case when I'm using the heater cut, which is somewhat annoying.

They have taken a lot of abuse and they look brand new.

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My buddy was given a pair of juliets, the quality is outstanding. I thought the other wires were made well... compared to the juliets, they're crap.

Oakleys are overpriced, yes... but the quality on the metal frames and lenses are outstanding.

Yea, actually I think the XX Metals are similar. I'm currently bidding for a pair of older model Romeos (got a big head, juliets look a little too small).

My cousin bought the juliets at retail, jeeezzzz... That could have paid for a lot of hockey gear.

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yea, but in Australia, its still hard to come by to try on. Most of the stores here will order them for you, but in my opinion that means that you have commited to buying it.

Anyway, I got outbid on those Romeos... I've got my other eye set on a pair of XX Metals that have the Ruby lens...

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remember oakley now has "asian fit" sunglasses.

Thought asian fit was smaller? Didn't know they had many pairs of shades in the asian fit though.

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